Reviews from

in the past

Literally has not a goddamn thing to do with blazblue at all besides the characters just being the sprites from the games. Even to Ragna and Hakumen's sprites being untouched from 2009.

That being said this game is just fucking sick. Plays like those youtube fan-made animations of taking random game sprites and making them fight but also making it work. Rougelike elements are also a nice blend of choices that vary from what kind of new moves you want, completely new effects to add to moves, or passive buffs. It's a bit awkward to control with some characters later since you get so many moves and there is only 2 attack buttons, so the game really makes you work them with different inputs and combinations with other buttons that aren't for attacking. It leaves the movesets just a little bloated especially with characters like Noel, who has attacks that happen after you jump or dodge meaning if you are in the middle of attacking and you want to actually dodge, you might just fly into a projectile or attack and get your shit clocked.

Game is still in early access so these are subject to change but I swear to fucking god if this game doesn't add Valkenhayn R. Hellsing, Yuuki Terumi, Litchi and Azrael I will wreak havoc.

P.S. Every fighting game company should stop hoarding their obtusely animated sprites and do something with them aside from fighting games. Looking at you french-bread

I'm gonna make a review for every update:

Early Access Launch: Game is sick as hell, combat is fluid. Story is extremely confusing but my assumption is that it's cause I'm not caught up on BB lore. It has some minor issues here and there but other than lacking an ending atm the only real issue is that the screen shakes WAY TOO MUCH

This game is still in early access but is fun as hell and has really good and deep mechanics. There's about 7 characters (now 8 with Es) and all of them have a distinct playstyle and a lot of combo potential. The visuals are amazing and the OST, while not amazing like the mainline games, it's still pretty good. The only downside at the moment is the story that has basically nothing to do with blazblue but we'll see where it goes from here.

It's not Blazblue, it only has a Blazblue skin, but it's still pretty good. I can finally play Kokonoe without hating her playstyle.
I'll probably pick it up again once we get more characters, i really want to see Tager in this.

It's really just an anime rogue-lite

Gonna be real here, I kinda hate that the BB license is on this. The game is definitely fun to play, but I despise getting sent back to the hub world as it reminds me constantly it's not actually a BB game, but also that the game is just nothing but an asset flip of CF. If the game played any worse I'd go so hard in on shitting on it, but as it stands it is a decent roguelike that makes a fun enough game. WHY THE FUCK IS HIBIKI THE STARTED THOUGH?

great art style. but too much stuff is happening on the screen to appreciate it.

>select hakumen
>hold attack for 2 seconds and release
>everyone dies

simple fun with great upgrade system potentials give every character many combos to tackle you not only have 10 different playstyles in a roguelite but even more options to go for with each character, other upgrades include general roguelite mechanics like extra damage types and weapons

maps are a bit short and there are not many different enemies at the moment but its not that big of a deal because devs plan to make content updates, same with the character pool if you see the pool low they can add new characters in future.

soundtracks were underwhelming for me, if you compare to the original games these are nothing, would be amazing if blazblue character themes were here but I also dont think its possible when this game has different soundtracks for different stages.

I cant talk about story much because I'm only familiar with characters (and that is also not much) not blazblue itself but I can say it makes you intrigued even if little with the mystery going on in the world and adds a flavor between your runs while doing missions in the hub world.

played like 2-3 hours or so and tried 4 characters out of 10 but I'll continue to play and looking forward to updates

uma gameplay polida leva o homem à lugares que ele não entraria nem com uma arma e quando percebe já é tarde demais

I really don't like how the chars aren't unlock from the start. There is very little reason to gate characters outside of the legacy system. The combat is fine and most of the bosses aren't bad.

Really fun roguelike that actually works pretty well with the movesets of BlazBlue characters. Outside of that it has nothing to do with the franchise. The actual story 'tries?' but it's vague and almost directionless at times. Regardless, it's still fun to play through every so often.

Bu oyun benim hayatımda gördüğüm en underrated oyun olabilir. Blazblue isimli bir dövüş oyunu serisinin spin-offu, rogue-lite bir oyun. Oynarken en çok keyif aldığım, türünün en güzel örneklerinden bir tanesi bence. Dövüş oyunu karakterlerini bu türe entegre ederken çok başarılı iş çıkartmış adamlar, kombo hissini iyi veriyorlar.

Oyunda farklı karakterler olarak oynayabiliyorsunuz ve her birinin kendine özel skill setleri var, attackları animasyonları vb her şeyi birbirinden fakrlı. Bu karakterlerin oyunudaki genel upgradeler dışında kendine özel upgradeleri ve gidebilecekleri farklı build rotaları var. Build çeşitliliği konusunda iyi, ama daha iyi olabilir.

Combat konusunda Dead Cell'sin sahip olduğu akıcılığa ve vuruş hissine sahip, düşmanlara vurduğunuzda momemntumunuzu kaybetmiyorsunuz ve vuruşlarınızın bir etkisi olduğunu hissediyorsunuz.

Bosslar konusunda da iyi iş çıkarıyor, çeşitlilik yine fazla. Her oynanışınızda aynı bosslarla savaşmıyorsunuz. Tasarımları da iyi, özellikle son boss fazla epic.

Bu tür oyunlarda zaten hikaye aranmaz pek, ama bu oyunun ki gerçektne kötü ve hiçbir türlü ilginizi çekemiyor. Neyse ki oyunun başında maruz kalıyorsunuz sadece, sonradan arka planda işliyor.

Oyunun eksileri elbet daha fazladır ama garip bir şekilde aklıma gelmiyor hiçbiri, Fiyatı 10 dolar, bir Et Dürüm fiyatı. İsterseniz indirim bekleyin, isterseniz direkt alın keyifli zaman geçireceğinize eminim.

One of the most fun I've had with a side-scrolling roguelike in a while since Dead Cells.

The character movesets were well translated into the game, although the game itself is only "Blazblue" in name and its playable characters. Don't get fooled, as the story (as decent as it is through its unique presentation) has literally nothing to do with Blazblue otherwise.

(But that's not what you'd buy the game for anyway, is it?)

Pretty fun so far. Haven't played much.

Fun spinoff, the bosses are difficult enough to remain interesting and the rogue like abilities that are there tend to lean more towards interesting than I'm used to. The issues with the game are weird premise, slow character unlocking, and the fact that it's incomplete and early access.

I was really skeptical at first, but it's actually pretty fire

I was a little skeptical of this but decided to give it a shot anyway. I ended up enjoying it a lot.

It has some problems. The translation is very awkward, as with every Chinese developed game I've played (but I guess not every company can afford a Dylan Cheung). The music is serviceable but lacking personality (in a fucking Blazblue game!!!! gimme Daisuke's vision!!!!). The Blazblue parts seem glued onto a different cyberpunk game. The original characters speak in Chinese dialects but the Blazblue characters seem to be using recycled clips from the fighting games so they're in Japanese.

What I do like? A lot of cool synergies in combat, neat enemy and boss designs, each character feels mechanically distinct and fun (except Ragna, he feels pretty bad imo).

Even then there's some problems. Some of the bosses are ass - specifically the Floating Eye. He commits the cardinal sin of wasting your time for 95% of the boss fight by being invincible while you wait for enemies to spawn to kill to wait for enemies to spawn to wait for him to come down and let you take a 1/3rd of his health off.

There also isn't a lot of Blazblue in the bosses. It's just Arakune as a possible midboss or Susanoo as the final boss.

The levels have a real problem with randomization too. I swear my last three or four runs started with the area that gives you that unfun Eye boss. You also see the same rooms quite often but the gameplay is fun enough to ignore that.

honestly, i think this game would have been better if it wasn't a roguelite. still, it's got potential. super smooth gameplay, characters all feel different. biggest issues at the moment are with variety and balancing, which is nothing out of the ordinary for early access- still, it's kinda rough

The game is still in early access and I might review it again once the game releases in full.

Let me preface this by saying that I like the game a LOT.

The playable characters all feel distinct and even a run with the same character can turn out very different depending on the moves you obtain throughout the run.
More characters are still being added and I’m excited to see how the final roster looks.

The gameplay is smooth and the controls are really responsive.

In terms of presentation, the game looks really stunning. Animations are crazy flashy while still being readable. Enemies have easy to read attack patterns.

It might not be connected to the BlazBlue Universe (as far as I know), though the story and characters are all unique and likable. I especially liked watching the protagonist and their navigator develop a friendship.

The game currently has three different voiceover languages at once. Playable characters talk Japanese (voice clips taken straight out of the mainline games afaik), announcements during gameplay and the tutorials have english voice over. The story is completely voiced in Chinese, which sounds really good.

Even though the game is still being actively developed, I can still recommend it.

Probably a fine game, but not really my thing. I was familiar with BlazBlue due to being a big Guilty Gear fan, so this game has been on my radar for a while, but it's just kind of unremarkable. Not to mention the genuinely grating voice acting.

A good game at heart, but again, not my style.,

solid roguelite with a very fun combat , kind short though

Pretty good gameplay, the characters have nice variety and control well. The game takes a lot from Hades for several systems, including the in-run elemental skills and the 'heat' system. Characters start a bit basic but quickly fill out as you upgrade throughout a run. Game was pretty easy and my first victory was the 4 or 5th run.

Visuals are nicely detailed, and work nicely until you get to the more frantic encounters where it becomes a mess of visual effects. The extra elemental abilities you get kind of lack impact and feel a bit lacking as a result.

Story is borderline nonsensical, in part due to mediocre localization, though it faded mostly into the background pretty quickly.

Overall: enjoyable little roguelike for a few hours.

Fun-ish roguelike, even if it doesn't actually have anything to do with actual BlazBlue. Gameplay is good, artstyle is good (the imported characters sometimes actually clash with the environment actually), music is alright, story is nonsense gibberish. All in all it's fun for some 10~20 odd hours until it gets too repetitive.

Nunca joguei nenhum jogo de BlazBlue, comprei o jogo devido ao formato de rogue-like (um dos meus tipos de jogo favorito). No inicio fiquei meio desanimado sobre não ter todos os personagens, porém é bem tranquilo de desbloquea-lós. Eu comprei o jogo em acesso antecipado então meus status foram resetados e mesmo assim achei bem fácil de conseguir novos personagens. O que mais se destaca no jogo são os combos muito divertidos e apelões de usar com os bonecos. Eu não entendi muita da história mas é algo bem divertido pra quem conhece o universo do jogo pelo que amigos me falaram. Dito isso pra quem curte jogos rogue-like e gosta de combos esse é um jogo ótimo.

Com um loop de gameplay viciante e visuais lindos, o jogo entrega uma excelente variedade de personagens e combate. Acredito que poderia ter uma variação maior de cenários e principalmente bosses. O boss final da história foi bacana.

Has nothing to do with the actual story of blazblue and why would you want to?

Fun rougelite, captures the fighting game feel, looks great and makes you feel powerful with combos, while still allowing the player to make it very difficult if wanted.

Unamazing, but definitely fun. I love that it takes the fantasy of playing these characters and explores that in a highly approachable, hack-and-slashy context. Unlocking characters is weirdly grindy, though, and the gameplay isn't quite varied enough to me to sustain that grind without those character unlocks, so I'm tapping out after a few early full clears.