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This was a great experience. It's basically a Pikmin/Overlord game, but with an incredible artstyle, nice ideas and motivating gameplay. Tinykin is a rather short game with 5-9 hours, but in that time I really fell in love with it.
The music, the characters, the gameplay, the world, the design... I just loved it. And the best thing? It's on Game Pass! ♥️

so i played this on Xbox Cloud Gaming, and i have some thoughts about that as well that i wanna get out

so first off, cloud gaming. overall, its good. i didnt need a great wifi connection to make it run well. the wifi at work is notoriously bad, and it ran with some input delay and occasional low resolution, which is a win in my book. clearly, not every game should be played this way, but i think Tinykin was perfect for it

next, the actual review itself. this game gave me whiplash because it's basically Chibi-Robo and Mario and not actually Pikmin. but it's still loads of fun and i absolutely recommend it. i do wish there was more challenge, but it's still really fun

It's "we have Pikmin at home". It has a neat art style, good music, and fun gameplay with the different tinykin and their powers. Collectibles ruined it for me though. To the point where I ultimately didn't enjoy the game and wouldn't recommend anyone play it. There's simply better alternatives.

Rewelka, nie jestem z stanie znaleźć żadnych wad. Nie sądziłem, że może mi się aż tak spodobać. To jedna z najlepszych gier jakie trafiły do Game Passa, nigdy bym w to nie zagrał gdyby nie opinia kolegi i to, że zagrałem w demo Pikmin. To chyba nie do końca jest to samo, ale mnie skłoniło do sięgnięcia po grę, którą już miałem za darmo 🙂

Zrobiłem praktycznie wszystko, oprócz dwóch listów. Nie zbierałem też pyłku ponad to, co dawało dodatkowe bąbelki do szybowania. Nie robiłem też wyścigów (to chyba DLC?). Ale przejście mogę uznać za prawie kompletne, co mi się w grach raczej nie zdarza.

Bardzo podobały mi się gadające owady, stylistyka i setting przywodziły mi na myśl Paper Mario, a także indycze Bug Fables (które podobałoby mi się znacznie bardziej gdyby miało taką grafikę jak Tinykin).

Podsumowując -- Tinykin to dla mnie 10 godzin czystej RADOŚCI, trochę jak w grach od Nintendo.

Amo esplorare le case e rubare le cose

compelling platformer, easy to get sucked in. lot more alcohol references than i expected.

i had never played any pikmin games, so tinykin was an entirely new experience for me. it's a 3d platformer centered around puzzles, with each level being a room within a giant house. the character designs are quite adorable, and the setting of a massive house is incredibly engaging. the dialogues and distinct stereotypes of each insect also add a charming touch. the gameplay involving tinykins is highly creative, although it does become somewhat repetitive over time due to its focus on tasks like carrying objects and opening doors. the story is captivating, leaving ample room for speculation, and the open ending adds a nice touch. overall, tinykin isn't my usual type of game, but it offers a relaxing and enjoyable experience with minimal flaws.

Esse jogo possui um estilo muito legal, estilo paper mario (personagem 2D e mundo em 3D), e uma visão que amo, que é visão "toy story", mas no jogo é visão de inseto sobre o mundo.
Os lobbys são muito legais de explorar, além da mecânica ser inspirado em pikmin.

very sweet and smooth platformer with a wonderful flow to gameplay.
payed 0.5% attention to the text (which seemed quite poor to my tastes but thankfully inconsequential) and all the objectives were still clear, which in my book is a testament to the care the devs put into level design.

a wonderful little low stakes nugget with a great sense of verticality and scale that reminded me of the adventurous climbing in Grow Home

I grew tired of its minimally altered gameplay over the course of the three levels I played. It became terribly stale, regardless of how wonderful and polished its visual style was. I was only propelled to continue because of my interminable OCD.

Its writing was lackluster. It was funny on occasion, I’ll admit. But I had a hard time caring about the little insect communities and how the different species treated each other.

The thing I found most irritating about this experience was its time trials. The controls when sliding around on your soap bar are finicky and unwieldy. I wouldn’t have minded so much, if getting gold wasn’t so challenging. I’m also not a fan of auto aiming when throwing your little guys. I don’t like when games feel like they play themselves.

Tinykin pays homage to Pikmin, and while it shares similarities, it's certainly not an inferior game. It offers a simpler approach than the Nintendo franchise but manages to adeptly execute nearly all its aspects.

The gameplay closely resembles that of Pikmin. You guide a collective of diminutive creatures, utilizing them to access various locations and retrieve items. These creatures can be likened to ants in concept. Each type possesses distinct abilities; for instance, the pink ones excel at carrying heavy items, the yellows are bridge builders, and the blue ones can harness electricity.

The game's art style stands out as one of its strongest features. The developers opted for a charming cartoon aesthetic, which enhances the game's visual appeal. Playing as a diminutive alien resembling a regular human, albeit in miniature form, creates a captivating contrast with the familiar real-world setting of a typical house on Earth. Observing everyday objects from this altered scale proves to be highly enjoyable.

As for the narrative, it's acceptable. The developers attempt to infuse a sense of mystery, though it falls short of being truly captivating. The characters' efforts to rationalize ordinary occurrences through religious contexts carry a certain novelty, but the story is not as deep as it could be.

In conclusion, Tinykin presents itself as a commendable alternative to Pikmin. It delivers entertainment, visual charm, and well-executed mechanics, yet it doesn't exceed these qualities. If faced with the choice between this game and the Nintendo franchise, opting for the latter is advisable. Nevertheless, I do recommend giving Tinykin a shot if the opportunity arises.

great idea for a game but i found the movement to be a bit too basic and going for 100% is so frustrating when the game just doesnt tell you what you have and havent done yet

Went there for the discount Pikmin, stayed for the communist uprising, eldritch space horrors and confronting God

E um game muito gostosinho de se jogar que em certas horas e ate relaxante, a história e simpática mas tem momentos engraçados e uma reviravolta extremamente boa na história, e uma tema de salvação muito bonito, foram umas 7 horas de gameplay muito boa.

Fun 3D puzzle-platformer with some clever usage of the limited Pikmin-esque army of different abilities you get, though sometimes loopy level design. Frustrating for perfectionists, and not quite enough variety in puzzles especially in the last couple of levels.

Very good platformer, pretty fun and engaging with a lot of exploration and simple but good gameplay.

No sustituye a Pikmin, pero es una visión súper interesante de un concepto familiar. Hay una cantidad ridícula de referencias repartidas por toda la casa, que me han pillado desprevenido muchas veces, y, por qué no admitirlo, me ha provocado una risa incontrolable, sobre todo Alonso, Schumacher y compañía. Juegazo, súper divertido.

An incredibly entertaining and fun game! It starts a bit slow but once I got the third type of tinykin it was very hard for me to put the game down. Loved environments, the layout if the stages. It is a fun short adventure that still has content for the completionists. The game is upbeat and the artsyle is very adorable and unique. I played this game thinking that it is a Pikmin clone but I have to say that it is different and I enjoyed this formula more than Pikmin, it is like a hybrid between pikmin and N64 platforms/collectathon games. 9.5 for an indie game, 9 probably overall. Hope to see a sequel with a bigger scope.

You play as Milodane, a professor who has just gotten stuck on Earth. He's stranded until his ship is repaired, but luckily, Ridmi offers to help as long as Milodane does something for him. Ridmi needs to collect all of the pieces to Ardwin's great invention, which can only be done with the assistance of the Tinykin, adorable little creatures that seem to have taken a liking to Milodane. Now, it's up to Milodane to round up as many Tinykin as he can find, explore every nook and cranny of the house, and gather up the appropriate items.

The story took a very unexpected turn at the end, but I liked it! Overall, this game is hilarious and adorable. 90% of the dialogue has nothing to do with the main story, but it's absolutely worth chatting up all of the NPCs just to see what quirky thing they have to say. There's also a ton of jokes and references.


Tinykin is set in a 3D world with 2D sprites and I absolutely love that combination! The world is huge and bright and exciting! Well, it's made up of mundane, everyday objects you find in most homes, but being shrunken down makes it all look new and intriguing. And all of the NPCs are insects! They're realistic but super cute!

There are also animated cut-scenes whenever you find a new type of Tinykin. They're short and simply show you what their ability is. There's also cut-scenes to start and end the game done in the same style.

Sound Effects + Music

I honestly barely noticed in the music in Tinykin, which means it wasn't great or bad. The one track that really stood out to me sounded like some retro Sci-Fi Horror music, which was really weird, but kind of fit the tone of the game. Other than that, the music didn't leave much of an impression on me.

The sound effects of throwing the Tinykin does get repetitive, since each one makes the same noise, and you often have to throw many at once. It's not too annoying, but it would have been nice to have a few different sounds, or not having all of them do it in a row.

Gameplay + Controls

Tinykin is obviously a Pikmin clone. I've only played the demo of Pikmin 3, which I enjoyed, but I dare to say that I enjoyed Tinykin way more right from the start. You essentially use Milodane as the director of the Tinykin. He moves around the world, collecting them, then throwing them at objects. Each Tinykin has a color which matches its unique ability. For example, the first two colors you find are pink and red. The pink Tinykin are strong and can move or carry large objects. The red ones...explode. You'll need to collect Tinykin of various colors to solve puzzles and unlock more areas in each room.

I found Milodane very easy to control. It did take me a few tries to get use to jumping on the bouncy surfaces, but that's true for all games that have something that bounces you after jumping on it. Once I got the rhythm, it was smooth sailing. And Milodane actually can sail, which was fun. He only has a small amount of soap to keep his bubble afloat though (it can be upgraded!). He can also use a bar of soap to glide across some surfaces. There are also threads he can rail across. Luckily, that's automatic once you hop on.

Tinkykin has no combat, so feel free to explore at your leisure. You can die though, which I discovered while testing how far Milodane can float. From what I can tell, falling from too high will kill Milodane, but there's no penalty. He just respawns near where he fell from.

There are other collectibles to be found during your adventures aside from the main story objects. There's pollen puffs to be picked up and brought back to Sikaru to brew into something. Prattle also asks you to find her stolen artifacts in exchange for knowledge. There will be some tasks and fetch quests given by the other characters in each room, which were a lot of fun to discover.

My only gameplay issue, which wasn't really an issue, just a minor annoyance, was the blue Tinykin. I did appreciate that they functioned differently than the other colors, but placing them individually was a bit tedious. I initially tried putting a bunch in a row and then stretching them across to make like an extension cord, but that is not how they work. You have to put them one by one, and correctly space them. It's fine once you get into a rhythm, but it could have been better.


As much as I loved Tinykin, I don't know if I'd play it all the way through again. It's very linear and once you know how to get around and unlock everything, there's nothing new to discover. However, this is absolutely a game I'd love to 100%! The side quests are quite fun, and I loved interacting with all of the side characters.

The games does technically end once you send Milo home, but if you open your save it puts you back to before he leaves so you can finish up any quests you still have active. I assume you'll have to relaunch the ship afterward to end the game again.


I loved Tinykin! It had some minor annoyances, but overall, this was definitely a "me" game. It's so cute and fun. Highly recommend!

Tinykin was a lot of fun. Nice brief levels and charming style. It shares the little-guy mechanic with Pikmin but a much larger focus on platforming and verticality

One of my very favorite games. The gameplay is fun and satisfying, the writing is so hilarious, the art style is endearing, and the narrative is really intriguing. Top it all off with an incredible soundtrack and you have a genuine MASTAPIECE

Absolutely loved this game. It was very cozy and fun to run through each level and collect everything. The conciseness of this game demonstrates an understanding of how to make a 3D platformer collectathon properly paced and still fun, while offering a good amount extra for completionists. This game was a blast.

Shocked me!!! Masterful game mechanics, control, and collectathon platform design. Played through and nearly Platinumed in one straight 12 hour sitting and never got tired. Hope they make a sequel.

Very weird that so much of the branding and discussion about this is focussed on the idea that it's a pikmin knockoff, when it's barely even pikmin-like at all. This isn't an RTS, it's a platformer. Honestly the tinykin themselves are probably the worst bit. There's not a drop of Dandori in this. But that platforming, god damn, now that is some top notch shit.

Feels amazing to control, probably the nicest feeling platformer I've ever played outside of a 3D Mario or A Hat in Time. The level design is brilliant, running with the "exploring a house, but you're a little geezer" gimmick and having so much fun with it. And those time trials, coar, they're evil but they're so satisfying. Zipping around these levels is a joy. 10 more of these please.

Jogo relaxante, divertido e muito charmoso. Foram 5 horinhas de gameplay muito satisfatórias.

W Game, pretty fun and chill experience! and pretty easy to complete! Highly recommend that game! very similar to loco roco on psp ;-; nostalgic

Tinykin é um daqueles jogos especiais e bem únicos que vem saindo fora do mercado de AAA, o plataforma com bastante elementos de "collectathon" trás uma mecânica que lembra o jogo Pikmin e cria algo novo em cima disso. Tudo nesse jogo é feito com tanto esmero, que é dificil não se emocionar com a vivacidade dos cenários ou as lindas músicas que tocam durante a jornada, que tem uma história surpreendente. A única coisa que me deixou um pouquinho cansado foi conseguir o 100% do mesmo, pois são MUITOS coletáveis, e o mesmo não possui nenhum mecanismo que te ajude achar 1 de 1000 que você pode ter deixado desapercebido, fazendo assim você ter que explorar tudo de cabo a rabo outra vez.

Прикольна, блин, арт- и левел-дизайны - конфэтка.