I made it halfway through the second mission and figured it would be best to wait a bit. I skipped Thief: Gold because it had a bug that prevented me from watching the cutscenes, but something about jumping into the sequel rubs me off the wrong way and now it feels like I'm just not in the correct mood to fully appreciate them.

I really do want to give this trilogy a shot, but I think it's best to wait it out so that I can start fresh again. If it still doesn't work for me in the long run, I literally bought them for less than €3, the worst it does is filling my Steam library.

I've taken Metal Gear as a narrative relatively seriously so far, but with Revengeance, it's pretty much impossible. The non-stop amazing hack n' slash combat breaks off any kind of dramatic effect it might have once had, and you know what? I couldn't care less. Even the game itself seems to be fully aware of its own facetiousness, so can you really stay mad at it? Cutting off limbs left and right into a thousand little giblets is so much fun, and Raiden himself doesn't seem to give a shit about the mindless killing anymore.

What kind of neo-colonial dystopia is this and why is it so much fun?

The sluggish controls, annoying camera and pace-breaking time jumps didn't win me over. I quit fast enough to still get a refund.

It absolutely saddens me to leave this game unfinished, because I was actually having a pretty good time. I was enjoying the atmosphere, solving the puzzles and listening to the bad voice acting. I had finally found a game that reminded me of that beautiful feeling of playing Silent Hill for the first time, and then I ran into a glitch that prevented me from progressing forward. I looked online to find out what it was, reloaded my save at least five times, and nothing seems to work. Man, that feels horrible.

You know what the best part about this DLC is? Getting back OUT of xen!

Maybe I'll try it out some other time, because I just couldn't deal with the horrible voice-acting, bloated dialogue and the atrocious combat and stealth. Half the time, I couldn't even tell enemies apart from buddy soldiers because they just scatter around the same open area completely ignoring the other's existence. You can literally be among the ally faction in one room, walk down a short set of stairs and be riddled with bullets so much that you can't even turn around before having to reload your last save because this game doesn't have any checkpoints.

As overly long as the Xen levels are, at least I can actually have a good time finishing them. Half Life's Xen is so boring that I shut it off the second I get there.

To this day the only game that has ever made me cry.

I'm never doing a Foxhound run again.

I would like to re-evaluate what I said about this game. I still haven't finished it, but it's actually pretty cool and I was able to get used to the mechanics. Completing every mission is very rewarding, there's constantly some progression in the plot, even though the actual story is far less interesting than in the older games, and there's so much variety in playstyles that you want to experiment and obtain new items and weapons. Even though it's probably my least favorite in the series so far, there's a lot to love about it.

I've never felt more like a real detective in my entire life

Is it just me or does David Hayter's voice sound kinda different in this game compared to the sequels?

I would say that I like this version better than the 2018 remaster, even though I've played that version more times than I can count, but there's just too much bloom and it was starting to physically hurt my eyes.

Note that this is just a minor critique. I still think this game is a masterpiece and am more than grateful that I got to experience both versions.