I have over 400 hours on this, im kinda tired of it now.

playing this for the first time was so cool, shame I can't feel it again.

Biscuit is a pain in the ass to fight against, but new people like Gio and Nago are cool asl

ik this is cliche for me to like this

Unironically more fun than Injustice 2. The final boss in the arcade mode has the bullshit of Rugal, Seth and Gill combined

Such a well designed 3D Mario, but the length and constant Bowser tantrum shit keeps it from being the best

Probably the most frustrating roguelike, as dying is really easy, but progress is harder to achieve than any other game in the genre. Still insanely fun to get into every now and again.

I would probably like this way more if the L & R buttons on my DS weren't busted


My favourite roguelite. Shares the frustration of losing but massive satisfaction of succeding like other roguelites, but gives off a greater feeling of progress with each run. Not only does it do this with upgrades, but with story too, having better writing than tons of Triple A titles.

Probably a better game in general than Psychonauts 1, but it lacks some of the absurdity, writing and creativity that make me prefer the original

This shit is so boring and repetitive. Most characters feel janky and lack the feeling of satisfaction to play as unlike other fighting games. Story is dumb too, NRS should stop having poorly written cutscenes with a few fights put in to remind you that you're playing a game, serve as "story modes"

Dudley isn't in this one ☹️ still good though

Best Street Fighter oat, gameplay is so well refined from the previous versions of SF3. Roster is lacking series staples from the time, but new additions make up for it. Gill is possibly the best Street Fighter antagonist (except Akuma) and his motives are actually interesting unlike M.Bison. Overall, SF3:3s will likely never be topped.