Is sad that Alpha Dream is no more I wish we could games like this again I miss them I love this game when i was litte i enjoy it so much :(



I play this so much when I was a child
Once i watch speedrun (I didnt know what was speedrun on that time) and i was confus HOW he's already on the last world so i try to copy it what he did and i kinda work but i really enjoy playing the game how it is

This game change me a lot LIKE a lot I never thought a game about a human falling down in hole can change me so much

I play this game I really love it so much the combot felt so good the stroy really got me and really touching at the end

I really love God of War I really do but is just the game itself is boring but the lore is amazing

I'm still playing this game but from what I played already is amazing I love it

Why game about Sand can be so good

I played so much of this game when I was litte I love this game one of my childhood games

I love this game i really funny and good for his time

I really like the combat I didnt know im gonne enjoy this game so much no tryhard on normal games and i really like that

I saw many people hate this game and I didn't understand but I saw the flaw to much grid to get a "TRUE ENDING" but I did enjoy this game was a blast wish we could get remake of this game without the grid for the ending

I miss this game I just miss the good old days of my childhood