i'm not crying you're crying

It's fine, I guess? I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I like it more than Mario Bros. 2 (which I know wasn't really Mario) and less than Super Mario Bros. or Super Mario World. Overall kinda meh, but not actually bad.

It's solid. It's much more simplistic than other Kirby games, and I'll say it's less fun because of that, but it's by no means a bad game.

Overall, this was a solid game. The level design was nice, the art style was lovely, and combat and exploration were both fun. The only real issues I had with it were that certain boss fights just felt like they lasted way too long (not as bad as Samus Returns and it's "bosses can only be meaningfully damaged by counters" long, but still, they dragged), and the EMMI sections weren't great. They relied on a lot of trial and error gameplay or getting lucky with positioning, and that just doesn't feel like good game design. That being said, I wouldn't say those two things detracted from the game enough to recommend against it, and if you're a fan of Metroid or of the genre in general, I highly recommend this game.

This was fantastic, and everything I could have wanted. A queer occult neo-noir thriller is everything I ever wanted from a game, and this delivers on all points. I love everything about the game -- the 80's aesthetic, the music, the pining, the fact that we're playing as adults rather than teens fumbling through their sexuality. That last bit is a breath of fresh air, actually -- as an adult myself, it's nice to play a queer VN with characters who I feel I can actually relate to, rather than who feel like I did fifteen years ago. Plus, it's written respectfully and realistically -- it's very clearly from a queer creator for a queer audience, rather than feeling like it's a fetishized romance for straight guys wanting to get off. I also loved the crimes, and the way the mystery was presented. I felt like I was genuinely figuring it out alongside the protagonists, and it was delightful. I can only hope the tease at the end was true, and that there's a sequel coming eventually. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Played with the restoration patch.

It's fine? This was the only 3D Zelda I hadn't played, and it's okay, I guess. This might just be the 3DS version, but it has some of the worst boss fights in Zelda, period. The dungeons are neat, though.

Saw it on NSO, played it for the meme, stuck around because it's genuinely fun.

Meh. Didn't grab me like Until Dawn, wasn't really a fan. Didn't like it nearly enough to finish it.

Need concept, but I found the execution lacking. Ignoring that it was only engaging for about an hour or so, the margin for error on some puzzles was infuriatingly small.

Easily my favorite Pokémon game in years. Since Platinum, probably. Just an all around great game, and a breath of fresh air for the franchise. Hope they keep up with this style of game.

I struggled here. The gameplay is so slow, and for some goddamn reason Alucard reacts to getting hit like he's in the one of the classicvania games. I think I'm spoiled by more modern Metroidvanias (looking at you, Hollow Knight), because this just never clicked for me.

Couldn't get the controls to work.

Another game with a neat aesthetic and concept that just didn't really do it for me. The investigations are unsatisfying -- you don't even look at the clues yourself, you just hold down a mouse button and then you've "looked" at them and have the information on your corkboard. A lot of the stories seem random and unrelated to the "main" plot of solving the mystery, which is fine -- can't expect every passenger to be relevant -- but I'd go multiple nights where I'd have one relevant thing happen, and the rest was just riding around. Combined with some frankly absurd characters (driving around a bunch of people cosplaying as Power Rangers was funny and arguably could happen, but picking up a cat and taking it to a train station because it's owner cuddled it too much was too much), and it just didn't really gel with me. Neat concept, but I just didn't dig the execution.

This is, undoubtedly, the best way to play these games.

I enjoyed this. The story isn't as good as earlier entries (twenty hours of Disney worlds where nothing happens), and the pacing is kinda shit, but overall it was fun and made me Feel Things. Gameplay was kinda all over the place -- between Attractions, Formchanges, and Shotlock, it felt like there was a lot going on that didn't necessarily need to be there, and honestly I mostly just stuck to one keyblade and ignored all of that stuff. Still, I enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to where the franchise goes next. On to Re:Mind!