Gave it a go but eh fighting games just aren't my cup of tea.

Quite possibly the most disappointed i've been with one game. Looks gorgeous but man this just really falls flat on it's face.

Remember being so hyped for this back in the day and kinda being disappointed with the final product. It's not bad but it's just too short to be truly great.

One of my all time favourites. Sure it hasn't aged the best but the pure nostalgia I have for this game is enough to make me fall in love with it. Knowing the entire intro word for word really messes up a mf 😔

Unbelievably disappointing. It's narrative is pretty solid and the soundtrack is insane with the amount of bangers it has but when the gameplay is just so fucking bland you start to wonder what's even the point?

Fantastic game and I seem to be in the minority in that lol. This provided a fantastic escape for me in the initial covid-19 lockdown and I won't ever forget it purely for that.

Absolute masterpiece. I could explore Rapture for hours.

Absolutely adore this one. Totally get the complaints about the second half but man I was in this all the way through. Excellent game.

Don't ask me what this was about because I'd struggle to tell you but something I can say is that this game absolutely fucking rules! Remedy go a lot more open in this one with multiple side quests and almost metroidvania like gameplay while still working off the usual Remedy narrative focus.

The pure imagination and ambition this game has won't be for everyone. The story is vague and does require exploration to figure out a lot of the moving parts but when the game plays so damn well I didn't care about that at all. I'm aware this game had some major performance issues on PS4 (It's one of the reasons I took so long to get to it lol) but I played this on my Series S and had a pretty great experience besides the odd crash and frame rate drop here & there.

I don't wanna delve into this one too much as I genuinely think it speaks for itself but yeah Control is just an awesome game and easily one of my faves. Remedy just have a vibe in their games that really speaks to me and my taste. Really hope we see more of this universe soon!!!

Time travel nonsense with Remedy sounds like an absolute blast and that's exactly what Quantum Break was. It was interesting playing this after Control as that game really does just feel like a more fleshed out version of the ideas that Remedy had for this game mechanically.

Quantum Break is ambitious and doesn't quite reach reach it's full potential with it's blend of being a tv show/video game as the tv show aspect feels a little cheap but overall, this is a solid ass game that was judged way too harshly when it came out. Considering some of the utter shite that comes out now, this is still a hell of a lot better than a lot of games out there even with it's shortcomings.

A little repetitive but this was pretty fun! A solid 4 hour experience in the Alan Wake universe that takes plenty of time to have fun with itself. Didn't blow my mind but I had my fun with it :)

The first game I played on my Xbox Series S is a 10 year old 360 game.

I wanted to play Alan Wake for what felt like forever. Being on PS3 & PS4 however, I never had the chance to delve into this one. The Series S is my first Xbox system and just knowing that this was there made me incredibly exciting to finally take the plunge.

I mean for me what's not to love? There's David Lynch inspirations as well as Stephen King, it's got a licensed soundtrack full of bangers, there's meta elements and a goofy ass plot that still completely grabbed me anyway. This is my perfect game and yeah while it's certainly dated now, I just couldn't stop myself from falling completely in love with it. Remedy are easily one of the best single player developers out there today and this is easily one of their absolute best. Counting the days till the sequel!!!