Pretty good platformer, clever mechanisms and cute look.

Sadly, the Switch port kept crashing randomly for me.

Pretty good fan-made version of Metroid 2. It's clear how much love and care went into it.

However, I still prefer the actual Metroid 2 Remake that came out on the 3ds.

It's a fine game, one that I'll never play again.

The story is actually engaging, but it has an unfortunately clichéd twist by the end.

It's super meh... The art is pretty but the story is bonkers, not in a good way.

The game is ok, combat is a little samey, but thankfully the game does not overstay its welcome.

The plot is trite, a bit clichéd and silly, but the characters are ok for the most part.

Pretty entertaining game, with a cool idea about it's multiplayer.

It ends a bit abruptly, but it kind of makes sense for the context of the story.

The multiplayer can be an exercise in frustration, when you're just starting out and face much stronger opponents.

It's a cute game with an ok story.

The combat gets old quickly, but not as old as the unbearable cat puns.

It's an extremely ok game. It has fun combat somewhat, with cool weapon designs.

The story is trash and forgettable, the protagonist is aggravating.

The mechanisms in this are also shitty, the looter shooter but with gems instead is a garbage idea.

Interesting and cute premise, that gets old quite quickly, unfortunately.

The game is about 2h long if you don't bother with the extra fluff in it.

It's ok.

This game is incredibly beautiful.

The start of something great, for sure.

Sadly, many issues like bad boss designs and shitty levels plague this one.

Nonetheless, fun and entertaining.

The story is certainly interesting.

The gameplay is abysmal, unfortunately.

Insta deaths coupled with character permadeath is just stupidly unfun, makes the game into a chore.

Also, the QTEs that serve as the barrier between you and those instadeaths get boring very quickly.

Sadly, just awful game design around every corner.

Pretty amazing platformer that celebrates the history of the Playstation while showing off the neat features of the PS5.

Not as good as the first game since the combat in Stick of Truth is better.

The story is still great though.

It's an ok story, super short.

Great visuals and OST though.


This game is overall great. The story is engaging and romantic, the plot keeps you moving and the characters are adorable together. Very well written.

The combat is ok, the world traversal is often buggy and uncomfortable though.

Props to the Devs for adding gay couples, otherwise I'd never have played this gem.