Great horror game with a neat premise that has not been used in other games, as far as I know.

A little janky and it has some issues running well.

I so wish this would get a patch, update or maybe even a mod to help it run better.

Such a good horror action game, I love the lore of this.

The gameplay, unfortunately, has not aged that well.

It's a shame that this series is completely dead.

This is a picture perfect depiction of shit.

Pure, utter garbage.

Plays like ass.

The game that started it all.

Super short, but fun and creepy, with a nice helping of jank in the physics.

Even so, the story is intriguing and quite compelling.

Alright alright, hear me out ok?

This game is pure jank, no doubt about it. It's mostly wet and ugly with subpar gameplay and edgy too cool for school characters.

However, I dunno why, I enjoy it a lot for what it is, even with all it's shortcomings.

Also, the story is actually interesting at times.

If not for the unfortunate fact that this game ends in a cliffhanger, I'd give it a 4.

Dang, this was shelved almost as soon as it came out.

Devs, heed the warning and STOP doing cliffhanger endings, no matter how confident you are that your game will get a sequel.

Amazing art-style and fast cool gameplay.

I loved how your powers can get corrupted or purified.

Visually stunning, really. The action keeps up as well.

This game is a very decent Metroidvania.

Such an amazing OST as well.

Maybe for the first time, a game based on a movie is a million times better than the source material.

Pretty standard 2D platforming game with the cutesy Chibi-Robo.

It's good enough, even if some level design is basically bullshit.

Don't take the other scores into much consideration, since they're mostly bandwagoning on some dude's unfunny video.

Great action game.

The Titan slaying is super interesting and you feel like a bad-ass when you kill Titan after Titan.

The story is, meh.

For sure better than the piece of shit, unplayable, N64 version.

However, they retconned Pierce Brosnan in favor of Craig. That was not a good choice.

This game is amazing.

Cute, charming, special.

It's a crime that this is stuck forever on the PS3.

The first Disgaea game I ever finished.

Dang, what the hell is up with this game's grind for levels?

Everything can go up to level 999 I think, it's pure bullshit.

Please, value your time more than this.

Cute, simple, charming little indie title.

It is what it is.