In a lot of ways, it's a huge improvement over the first one.

However, the game has constant graphical glitches that get in the way of full immersion and enjoyment.

Sadly, I don't think there's any hope of a patch to fix those issues.

One thing that bothered me greatly is the decision to lock the Stances to Meditation Points. The game would've been far more enjoyable if I could've changed them on the fly to best adapt to each combat scenario.

Not as good as 2, but a cool story and style carry this one.

Very nice port of a cool, stylish game.

Maybe some day Capcom will remaster the complete trilogy

The ending is wtf, the ending of the DLC is pure garbage cliffhanger self-indulgence.

Fuck EA.

It's a pretty good remake overall, but playing this EA game makes me feel dirty, almost like touching a corpse

The game is good, probably the best Fire Emblem I've played.

It's a shame that in this day and age, I had to resort to a mod in order to pursue romantically any character I wanted. Game companies should get with the times and offer more possibilities to gamers.

It's a good game, perhaps a bit grindy as these things can be. I love the attention and care they had with the same-sex romance options, the journey to marriage and kids was as fulfilling as the main campaign.

Pretty great game, with a good story and fulfilling relationships

Pretty shitty, the game loop reminds me of a freemium game.

The relationship options are dismal and often feel forced. A waste of time.

The game is fine.... It improved on some issues I had with BotW, but somehow feels like a lesser game all the same. It has nowhere near the level of exploration that its predecessor had, which to me was what I liked the most.

I can't help but feel that this game is very overrated, just because of the Zelda name.

Amazing remaster. It stands on its own but does not replace the original.

Pretty good changes were made for this version of the game. The only bad part imo are the character models.

Still, I love how you can customize the difficulty to fit exactly what you want. Every game should do this by now.

A pretty good remaster for sure, the modern controls are a nice evolution to the game.

However, it's still kind of ancient in it's level design in a lot of places sadly.

Looking forward to the other games being remastered

It's ok. Too short to be considered a good game in my opinion.

Excellent game with amazing combat.

Just wish you could level up friendship in a more straightforward manner.