Pretty great game, cool story and a ton of japanese lore that is engaging and interesting.

Most of the sidequests are pretty fun too.

This game is quite nice.

Simple, but gratifying to play and to master.

Plus, the Secret Final Boss is quite challenging.

Would recommend it.

It's a pretty good game.

The story is interesting and the combat is truly amazing, if somewhat cheap at times.

However, the open world traversal is rough and antiquated, which makes it less fun most of the time.

Still, worth a play.

This game is my favorite Paper Mario game.

It has incredibly cute visuals and story, with feels at more than one point.

The puzzles are pretty good, but the boss battles are AMAZING, every single one of them.

The normal battles can get tedious, but I quickly learned to enjoy them for what they were, you just have to chill out and actually use the huge amount of money you get in the game so that the Toads will help you deal with those battles more easily.

Overall an amazing experience that was a joy to 100%.
Recommend it.

It's okay I guess..... If you like turn-based JRPGs that are super long.

I've found I no longer fit into that category, sadly.

Sadly, could not get past the ancient design....

I'm sure there's something great buried here, but it's all underneath a terrible interface and gameplay mechanisms.

It's gotten ancient, sadly... A mere remaster won't help you enjoy the ancient design.

A little derivative, has interesting bits throughout.

Sadly, difficult to play nowadays because of the jank.

Very interesting and atmospheric with an ok, generic story.

This is a pretty great remake, it looks beautiful even on the Switch.

The games themselves:

- Crash 1 is pure nostalgic bliss. Janky as heck, but super entertaining.

- Crash 2, the best of the bunch. Super challenging levels that actually feel rewarding to beat.

- Crash 3, the worst one by far. Shitty level design with the most awful levels I've ever played on a platformer. It has not only water levels, but motorcycle levels that actually feel like you're driving a tank.

Overall positive, just skip Crash 3 if you value your patience.

Great Metroidvania, with tense horror like action.

Should be played.

Oh my word what a boring slog this game is.

Played this one a looooot when I was a wee bit lad.

Silly beat-em-up fun.

Great horror game with a neat premise that has not been used in other games, as far as I know.

A little janky and it has some issues running well.

I so wish this would get a patch, update or maybe even a mod to help it run better.