100+ Hours

saw other people doing this and i thought it'd be fun c:

i'm omitting clickers/idle games because, frankly, i am ashamed of those numbers

The only time I actually beat this game I clocked about 80 hours into it and then there's the probably half dozen or so save files in the 40-50 hour range
this is maybe the best example of not really liking the mechanics of a game and yet putting way too much time into it
Every so often they'd put out another patch and be like "this is the final patch ever!" and I'd start a new world and play it up until the Wall of Flesh but by then I'd get burned out and stop. After doing this like five or six times I realized I was never seeing the new stuff since that was almost always tacked on the endgame and so I quit trying to play this more. cool game.
This is one of the only games I ever got anywhere near 'good' at. I used to be able to reliably win on the highest difficulty!! Very proud of myself for that even though no one really cares about that sort of thing l m a o
fun stepmania anecdote: i used to play this almost daily and would stream on twitch for fun and used a hand cam for it until someone messaged me asking for, basically, hand fetish pics and then i stopped playing/streaming it!
Spelunky 2 is such a disappointment duuuuude. I love love love HD and I wish 2 was more fun to actually continue playing!! But Cosmic Ocean feels like it is made specifically for the high-level streamers/speedrunners/scorerunners and absolutely no one else. It's so long and tedious to do that area and even getting there is such a tedious pain. I don't want to play the game in one specific way and highly limit what I can do just to get to an area that is interesting but not fun!! what da hell
This game fell off the back of a truck and I put something like 80 hours into it and then a few months later bought it on steam and put another 100+ hours into it. AND YET. If you asked me, I'd tell you that Skyrim sucks.
This is, by a wide margin, the game I've put the most time into. When everyone else was getting sucked into WoW in the mid-to-late 2000's, I was playing the shit out of Guild Wars. Last I checked, I was somewhere around 5700 hours.
I've never actually beaten this game before but I have gotten 70+ hours into it at least three times before
When I was in college and turbo-depressed I would wake up in my dorm room, play this game for 12-15 hours, and then go to bed. So much fucking fun, oh my god
it is borderline embarrassing how many hours i have put into this game. it doesn't actually tell you total hours played (afaik) and i'm glad because i think it'd be dangerously close to crossing the 1000 hour marker.
I have done 3 full 100% playthroughs of this game. And then I decided that wasn't enough and started doing speedruns of it as well. I just love Kassandra so much,,
There was a period of time when I kept this game installed and when I was feeling stressed or anxious or depressed I would fire it up, find a motorocycle, and just drive around. There's this one highway that loops around the entire main island and I'd just go around over and over and it'd help me relax.
This is the game that made me think I really like the roguelike genre but it turns out I just really like this one game specifically. I only ever got to the final boss once and got my ass kicked lmao
If this had progressed differently over time in terms of what the community wanted/demanded and what the developers added/changed, this could've been a game I put a trillion hours into but instead it's one I never want to play ever again.
My main speedgame!! It's so good. I love this game so much. People should play TRI, it's very clever and cool and pretty and the music is great. I will never stop shouting about how much I love this game.
Played it on PS4 and got all the trophies, played it again on Steam and got all the trophies again, and then started speedrunning it to play it some more.
The PC version sucks ass but I still put over 100 hours into because Toukiden is cool as hell
I played Torchlight before I had a Steam account (or maybe before I used it regularly) so I bought it from the dev's website and put like 300 hours into it and then got it on Steam at some point and put in 100 more to try and get all the achievements (and still didn't because they're atrociously grindy)


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