I am an huge fan of the first Dying Light, it's tight and satisfying progression system with an well-made and fun melee combat + rich side-content really made me love that game back in the day. when this sequel was announced in 2018 I was very excited to see what Techland could take that approach and improved it immensely though it did improves a lot over the first game, it also feels an downgrade in others.

the parkour-system and combat are still great and fighting with Humans is no longer an slog for example.

progression-system is just as tighter like the first game, Techland once again nailed that feeling of being an lazy character during your first hours of playtime to effectively flying over the open-world and killing enemies with style later in the game.

the open-world itself it's your usual Ubisoft game mostly, mixed activities all around the map that gets old quickly.

Night-time don't feel as risky like in the first game since they had the brilliant idea to remove the Volatiles roaming the streets and is genuinely not that terrifying anymore.

combat against Infected is nowhere near as satisfying like in Dying Light 1 and they are no longer the focus in this game.

the story definitely had it's moments and I considered it to be better than DL1 but yeah the writing is still atrocious mostly.

overall Dying Light 2 is fun and it did improved it on the design of the series but the other areas felt like an step back and it made me appreciate the first one far more in retrospect.

great classic RPG for the original Xbox.

witty dialogue and art, decently fun combat though a bit janky and flawed on it's execution but back in the day it was certainly fantastic, good choice driven gameplay with lots of interesting stuff to do like getting married or interacting with NPCs and an decent story.

I think the rest of the trilogy improves so much on this concept and I am really looking forward to start the rest of the games.

fairly underappreciated 2010 shooter that was mostly forgotten mainly because of Activision's overreaching sucess of it's own Call of Duty franchise.

good gunplay, messing up with time powers is a lot of fun, inventive level-design and decent narrative.

light RPG elements are interesting and upgrade-system feels tighter.

the final level unfortunely is very short and I think it could have an final boss fight before the ending considering the Time Power Renko obtains in this final segment.

overall very underrated FPS and is worth checking out.

major improvement over the first game.

combat and overall gameplay is much more enjoyable and satisfying, narrative is genuinely good and the dynamic open-world Fable 1 tried to do is finally much more interesting and present in this sequel, your choices actually affect the enviroment around you and how NPCs react to your Hero as well.

the game's final questline is a bit rushed though, the final showdown against Lucien is anticlimatic and it just ends without a proper closure or battle.

unfortunely the game runs very badly since Microsoft never included an 60 FPS or perfomance patch in this game but one can dream if they include that one day.

pretty underwhelming coming from Fable 2, still fun to play but the overall gameplay additions and "improvements" just makes it worse than every previous Fable title.

the main quest features some good choices to make and the voice-acting and characters are good but the second half and ending felt rushed.

speaking of which the second half that being the Hero being the King of Albion is extremely tiresome considering the whole grind you have to make to reach the best ending should the player chooses to be good and pure by the end of the game, Lionhead only did that to extend the game's length which is very short even compared to previous games. prepare to be patient and try to buy lots of houses and Shops.

overall fun game but it could have been a lot better with a more cohesive direction and design.

another forgotten shooter by Raven Software back in 2010 when Activision actually had very different games aside from Call of Duty around that time, this time featuring an very different interpretation of the Wolfenstein IP.

really good gunplay with fantastic and creative weapons, good IA and real good upgrade system.

I disliked the open-world hub although it's a nice idea especially from a shooter at the time, this hub quickly turns into an boring backtracking later on and I kinda think if it was more linear like the newest Wolfenstein titles the overall gameplay loop could be a lot fresh at the start to end.

the over the top nature of the game's supernatural elements are quite interesting, though a bit out of place for a game of the franchise. thankfully they ditched everything in the follow-ups by Machine Games.

overall fun game but I was a bit bored halfway through it largely because of the open-world backtracking.

one of the best platformers and indie gems to come on this past generation.

tight platforming and gameplay, satisfying upgrades, fantastic level-design and boss battles.

the game's post release content was also fantastic providing 3 different characters to play with their different campaigns and gameplay mechanics and all of that entirely for free.

if you are an fan of 2D platformers Shovel Knight is an must play.

replayed, still is one of the best shooters ever made.

satisfying combat-system, incredibly responsive movement and controls, superb level-design and music.

fuck the Marauder tho still hate him so much.

pretty fantastic and challenging action 3D game.

smooth and visceral combat-system with lots of satisfying weapons and interesting movesets, good looking graphics and animations, suprisingly good level-design throughout and an very good challenge.

some levels and puzzles required a lot of backtracking and the camera is very clumsy sometimes, Rachel's levels were a bit pointless and I think it was only included to "spice" up the game a bit but they kind just ruin the pacing this game could have had. I might play the other versions to see how the game plays though, Sigma apparently is very different.

good follow up to the first game.

combat-system is much more fluid and satisfying thanks to the new execution mechanics and some new weapons that are all great, really nice visuals and world-building thanks to the increased locales Ryu visits and an decent enough storyline.

this game felt a bit streamlined compared to the first game though, the level-design is less interesting since here is much more linear and not that open-ended and with less exploration in comparison to NG1, the Sigma version also removes a bunch of content and mainly the satisfying Gore that was present in the original X360 version of this game.

I might play the 360 version later since it seems like the better version and game overall.

good closure to the trilogy.

probably the best combat-system out of the 3 games, the gore and sound-design are satisfying and the movement feel smoother than ever and I really like the new "Steel and Bone" counter mechanic.

unfortunely the game can get repetitive after a while, the levels don't offer as much in comparison to previous games and most of them is just an slog of fighting multiple enemies through each arena.

the boss-battles and enemy design are generally frustating and spongey even more so than the rest of the trilogy.

overall if you except an non-stop bloodshed Hack n' Slash Razor's Edge is probably the best the series can offer but don't expect much of it in other departments especially level variety and design choices.

replayed and finished with 4 hours + Inverted Castle.

masterful atmosphere and graphics, god-tier music, smooth controls and fantastic pacing/level-design throughout make it an joy to play and I don't think this game will age at this point.

I still have some issues related to the Inverted Castle though, the idea of having an second exploration segment is great and greatly increases the value of the game but the horrendous upside down level-design and difficulty spikes are easily the most annoying things in this game and in the whole series by far.

overall Symphony still helds up his position in the throne alongside Super Metroid and Hollow Knight for me, this is one of the best starting points if one never played an Metroidvania before and wants an introduction in the genre.

great return to form for the Turtles on a game.

smooth gameplay, both local and online co-op, 7 playable characters and an really nice replay value though it lacks some other game modes for sure.

the presentation is top-tier, since this game is made by Tribute Games you can expect some brilliant animations and sprites, the score is also fantastic Tee Lopes never miss at this point.

overall pretty fun game and certainly one of best Beat'em Up games out there recently.

pretty good reimagining of the original Castlevania.

good controls, improved moment to moment gameplay largely because of the new Whip mechanics and one button Sub-Weapons, really good presentation and Mode 7 usage.

the level-design though fine most of the time heavily uses traps/platforms that kill you instantly and I am not much of an fan of the new Grappling Hook mechanic which is very finnicky and not that polished like the rest of the game.

overall this is an very good starting game if you want to play the original side-scroller Castlevania titles.

one of the good Classicvanias in the series.

great controls, two playable characters, awesome presentation and level-design.

the game is not particularly challenging especially if you played previous titles such as the original Castlevania or Castlevania III but nonetheless the game makes up for it's difficult bosses that are very fun and the difficulty is great for those who want to enjoy an side-scroller Castlevania for the first time.