119 Reviews liked by Anthrazit

I just can't get over the GUN STORE MENU SONG being one of the best tracks I've ever heard in a game.

Initially I wasn't super into Royal because I had to deal with all the vanilla content which isn't bad per se, its just stuff I've seen multiple times over, but once you finally start getting more and more Royal content thrown at you, it all becomes 100% worth it, the new additions both gameplay and story wise are amazing and some of those new songs are just pure Chefs kiss

If there is a game for our time, this is it. Through the efforts of standout writing and the sum of the repetitious actions you undertake, Spiritfarer will usher you into a rhythm that viscerally contemplates the mortality of humanity and the lives we live. Every aspect and mechanic is in service to this goal. Even when specific parts of the game, if isolated, seem under-baked, they often still build to inspired moments.

The knock against it is found in those lacking elements. The handling in the platforming sections are far too loose and unexciting, the clicker/base building aspects can become tedious and don’t progress enough in and of themselves, and the endgame, if the player indulges in it, is effectively an amalgamation of all the worst parts divorced from the game’s guiding thesis.

However, when you hit the seas, exploring the secrets of the map and its islands with the transcendent score accompanying you, scurrying to finish projects on the boat during the voyage, all the while building relationships with your passengers, it all comes together to make a wonderful miniature ecosystem that is simply hard to put down.

Make time for Spiritfarer. It will surprise you and pull you in. And you won’t be able to leave unaffected.

First time playing. Great characters, great story, great combat. Estelle is bae

Worst Zelda game ever, 'eh' game in general.
As a Zelda game it does not at all deliver in any aspect, but even outside of it being a Zelda title it it still quite lackluster.

The majority of the game is spent walking around empty fields in complete silence, the areas suck and the music is pretty much non existing.
it's good when it does play, it just never does.

Your weapons break, and fast.
Your progress it tied to your weapons, which on itself is a stupid idea, but is made even worse with the fact that your weapon will only help you for about 15 minutes.
This makes it so that you have to run around the world looking for weapons constantly.

The art style is butt-ugly, it looks like Play-Dough.

The game's main mechanic, climbing, is horrible.
It takes forever and doesn't get you anywhere.
On top of that, half of the time it doesn't even let you.

This game is only really fun if you like to take hours to get anything done, while in complete silence.

What an amazing game, I didnt have such high expectation for this and i totally loved it.
Love the soundtrack, the details of the world is nice to look at, the origin characters are interesting to know and the dialogue is engaging. This also has the best turn based combat gameplay for any rpg imo. Best game of 2017 by far and one of the greatest rpg games of all time.

this really was the closest we came to world peace huh

of all the changes in my life that occurred in 2020 one of the most positive was me finally deleting this from my phone after playing it every single day for 7 years straight. i had long stopped enjoying it and was only keeping up my streak out of some bizarre sense of pride about having never spent any money on it.
it's kind of a shame because once upon a time i really was getting a lot of fun out of it! they had creative events! they were adding cool characters and buildings and entire new areas at times (they once had a whole thing just for the Monorail)! the writing wasn't Amazing by any standard but it was more often than not funnier than the show's been in close to 20 years now.
then at some point it all just kinda... fizzled out. they'd mined the show for as much content as they could, having to rely on one-off gag characters and unloved later season episodes for new events. it was likely an inevitable decline but still a disappointing one to experience in real time. this, coupled with how poorly the game ran, and then Double Coupled with the ridiculous storage demands of each update, turned the game from a kind of breezy daily ritual into a self-inflicted Sisyphean torment.

also: Milhouse didn't have any voice lines for some reason! why would you leave out Milhouse?!

The only MMORPG I ever got stupidly addicted to as a teenager. Still remember scraping together all my money to buy a Kenta card and hire a tamer and it succeeding on the first try. Fond memories, even if it probably was a terrible game by most metrics.

This thing here was my childhood for over a decade, learned every nook and cranny of it as time went on.

im giving this a 9/10 for the fishing minigame, i dont even want to talk about the game

A small man goes on a very big adventure.

I blame this game for the touch of arthritis in my right index finger from all the mouse clicking.

The roughness of its performance is made up tenfold by the gentleness, wonder and beauty of the experience. Eastshade is a wonderful place to visit and fall in love with, full of incredibly charming characters. I felt a purely intrinsic drive to explore that I only ever felt in Zelda Breath of the Wild before. A truly profound and beautiful video game.

// taken from my Steam review

This is one of the most unique games I have ever played, from the world to the gameplay. If you want to immerse yourself completely in this fascinating world, you will absolutely be rewarded for it.

// taken from my Steam review

A gorgeous game with beautiful music and a mystery plot that will keep you going for the 3-4 hour runtime. Easily recommendable if you are a fan of walking simulators and the likes of Firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch in particular.

// taken from my Steam review