Amazing follow up of Trails from Zero. What I praised about Zero applies here also, since it is basically the continuation of it. The only reason why I can not rate it 5 stars is because the repetition of the same dungeons and monsters drags a bit the pace of the game - the game lacks of surprise in that sense.

That's my favorite Trails so far (at this point I've played Sky and Crossbell arcs). The game uses everything that worked well in Sky gameplay-wise and focus on a smaller cast of characters and shorter map. The fact that the party is reduced and most of the action takes place in Crossbell made create a stronger bond with the city and the characters.

Great remake with very fun combat. Some bosses were really nasty but the game is fair with the difficulty.
One aspect I really loved is that there are many towns with shops to upgrade the gear and I perceived a constant sense of progression which is quite important in a RPG.
The story is dated obviously but what attracted me was the gameplay and in that regard, it delivers.

The biggest criticism of FFII is definitely the leveling up system. However, once you know how it works, it becomes quite fun to exploit it and then it's up to you to define the difficulty that you want to set.
What really pisses me off are the dungeons with tons of dead ends and room traps with monsters and no treasure chests. That's a jerk move that appears throughout the entire game. Why?!!
I guess it gets more hate than it deserves.

The more I think about this game, the less I like it. The gameplay is great, exploring the map, doing side quests, killing the challenging monsters. However the story has a huge problem, mainly from the half point. It comes up with a very convoluted solution, especially towards the end, that I almost stop playing. Final dungeon basically killed the game both in the gameplay a d story. That's a game I was really enjoying and unfortunately and I couldn't enjoy more.

For anyone who played SMT game before will be familiarized with the demon fusion, weakness, press turn etc. For me the implementation as SRPG didn't work that well, the missions were very repetitive (even more for the excruciating amount of escort missions).
Towards the end the game gets very grindy and it's a chore to do it for the final missions, although I enjoyed the challenge of them.

Great indie rpg! I don't understand the low rate. The battle system in special got my attention right from the beginning. It's super fun to get a new party member and experiment the different abilities, so the gameplay never gets boring.
Apart of it, the game short duration is perfect, quite rare for the subgenre of turn-based RPGs. Great representation for the indie retro style RPGs.

I really enjoy how the difficulty slowly progresses and it never feels unfair, because when the game introduces a new mechanic or a new trick, they do it in a very easy level to get acquainted to it. Still the game is quite challenging and keeps the interest in the story too, which is a bit uncommon for this genre, I always wanted to check how the computer would interact with me, or what the narrator would say in a new level.
Amazing experience overall.

It's fun to play with your partner and solve the puzzles.
However, the game controllers are poorly designed, jumping can be a hell many times (quite a factor for a platform game). Also the angles sometimes to solve the puzzles are infuriating on how they want us get it. I played it on switch and there was some crashes and bugs like being stuck in a part that I had to restart the game.

The first and second worlds of the castle were quite fun (the bridge and the explosion) but the third was a pain in the ass.
The game animation is not the best, looks like a cellphone game most of it and the narration is annoying and corny.

Apart of the negative sides, the puzzles are clever and it worth to play in local co-op.

Amazing story and gameplay!
And the game grows a lot. I confess that in the beginning the story was uninteresting, Luke was annoying, even the battle system was poor due to the lack of resources obviously.
However the Luke's journey is great, how he is developed, the twists and turns of the story. The characters are deep and humanizes the villains, we know their intentions, even we if don't agree, they are not unidimensional.
And the final battle is tough!!

True masterpiece!
I can't think of any flaw in this game.
Amazing cast of characters, amazing OST, amazing gameplay (even though I'm not that fan of action rpg).
I never like doing many side quests, but in Ys VIII even those are interesting and much fun to explore the island for treasure chests, new monster with good drop items. And the game rewards you in the end for doing those side quests, which is awesome!
I'm really looking forward to the next entry of this series. I became immediate fan!

As the FF tactics series goes, the story gets worse with the titles and the gameplay gets better. Even in hard mode is so much fun, a great introduction to the series and to the genre. It's so under appreciated game and I have played over and over and over back in the days. I love to explore and max up each job, each race. The story is silly and that's the only reason that is not a 5 stars game.

FFTA improved som many features from the first spin-off. When I play a tactical RPG, the most important to me is the gameplay, and this is awesome. More skills, more jobs, more variety with more side missions. Ok the story is not that good anymore, but it's up to you on how you like this style of games.

Although I love this game, I still can see many flaws. Apart of one of the best stories of the Final Fantasy series, it's an unbalanced game.
The 3 battle sequence of Velius is unforgiven, total out of proportion compared to what we have seen before and after (it's like a true final boss). If it would be a side quest, like in other Final Fantasy that are optional super bosses, it would be ok. On the other side of the balance, there is Orlando. One of the most overpower character I've seen in any JRPG. The guy is a killing machine, he's able to solo most of the missions and the game becomes a walk in the park.
I'm not a fan of the waiting for the skill to be carried out during the battle, mainly for the mages. It's easy to be interrupted, it's such a horrible engine, that fortunately was cut out in the following FF Tactics.

First of all, this game looks awesome, even for the graphic's standards of today, considering it was released 11 years ago.
I understand the criticism of the battle system, mainly in the beginning that we don't have much abilities or characters to switch the combinations. But after we can use more than 3 characters, it gets pretty cool and it doesn't play automatic at all! For example in boss battles, it's necessary to switch constantly the schemes, buffing, debuffing, offensive... it's so unfair saying that it plays alone.
I like the story and the characters. Obviously the game focus much more in the character development. It's a matter of taste, but the game clicked to me.