True masterpiece!
I can't think of any flaw in this game.
Amazing cast of characters, amazing OST, amazing gameplay (even though I'm not that fan of action rpg).
I never like doing many side quests, but in Ys VIII even those are interesting and much fun to explore the island for treasure chests, new monster with good drop items. And the game rewards you in the end for doing those side quests, which is awesome!
I'm really looking forward to the next entry of this series. I became immediate fan!

Apart of introducing the job system, everything else is terrible in this game. By far the worse of the numbered series.
Story is generic almost like a remake from the past two games, very unfair last dungeon (even in the remake they didn't fix this issue). The dungeons are annoying, particularly more when you need to become tiny. That's a feature that fortunately they quitted from the following titles. Also this constant crash of the airship is the most irritating of all. If this version is supposed to be better than original, I would stay very far from the NES version.

As the FF tactics series goes, the story gets worse with the titles and the gameplay gets better. Even in hard mode is so much fun, a great introduction to the series and to the genre. It's so under appreciated game and I have played over and over and over back in the days. I love to explore and max up each job, each race. The story is silly and that's the only reason that is not a 5 stars game.

This is surely the first great Final Fantasy. Innovated in the character development, in the battle system with the ATB system. It still holds up for the today's standards gameplay-wise.
Any version of this game can't go wrong, I just prefer the PS1 and SNES because their difficulty is fair, unlike the DS version which is quite unbalanced. But then it's up to you how you want prefer to challenge yourself.

Apart of the infamous Tidus' laughter and the entire voice acting, FFX is an amazing game.
The skill tree is well done, each character has more or less a pre-established pathway at some point.
But what drew me into the game was the story, this parallel world, it's one of the most interesting worlds, I just wanted to progress to understand more of the characters and Spira.
I love so much the ending of this game, in my opinion there shouldn't be a continuation to the story, even more considering that trash X-2 released after.
FFX has my favorite FF battle system. The last true turned-based, being able to switch your party members without losing turn was simply amazing.
Very linear game, which is fits well when the story and characters are the focus.

That's my favorite Trails so far (at this point I've played Sky and Crossbell arcs). The game uses everything that worked well in Sky gameplay-wise and focus on a smaller cast of characters and shorter map. The fact that the party is reduced and most of the action takes place in Crossbell made create a stronger bond with the city and the characters.

I tried once the PS2 version and I gave up for being so boring the story and the battle system is boring.
This year gave another try with the remastered version and I enjoyed more, the skill system got so much better.
The battle system is still poor to me, once you get the good combinations of settings, you barely need to interfere.
The story for me is still boring, I don't really care about the characters, with the most horrible main character of the entire series. It gets even worse towards the end. Nothing more boring than the narrator telling us the story, what's happening. One of the weakest titles of the series.

Final Fantasy V aged so well for me, the more I think about it after playing all the FF tactics, the more I love the job system. Now it got all improved compared to FF III, the abilities, the stats... the customization is limitless.
What I really love about the job system is how you can use the neutral job and still have access to all the abilities acquired from other jobs. The possible combos that this features provides is just awesome and it adds some replay value to the game.
The history is a bit whatever, what really stands out the gameplay. Maybe that's why it's considered as one of the black sheeps of the series.
The most rewarding battle ever to me was to kill Omega weapon, that's what I call a tough boss!

Xenogears has one of the best JRPG plots of all time, it's dark and mysterious. The soundtrack is great too.
Although I enjoy the battle system without gear, the gears are quite sloppy for me, even more in the beginning of the game that we don't have much control on them.

The game didn't age well with the camera system, that gets annoying with the sense of direction or to find a simple door. Also the jumps are boring and irritating in some missions (like in Tower of Babel).

It's such a shame that in the CD1 we have a normal gameplay with no cuts, it's smooth in its own way. But as soon as the CD2 comes in, the game turns into a visual novel almost, telling the story and alternating with boss battles and some annoying puzzles here and there.

The overall impression is still quite positive due to the great story and fun cast of characters. It's quite ahead of its time.

What to say about my favorite game ever?!
This game gets everything so right, it's like a love letter for the entire series, you find all the elements that made Final Fantasy great all combined in one game.
The character development is top-notch, specially for the most charming of all, Vivi. Zidane is great main character, he gets a deep layer close to the end. Also the interaction between them is so harmonic and natural.
The card game is great too, but more side quest than FFVIII now, but as fun as the other.
The chocobo's side quest is not only cool, but it gives considerable good reward, it doesn't feel that we are just doing extra content as a filler.
The whole world is gorgeous and one of the best good-looking game for PS1.
I really love how the skills are gotten, combined with the equipment, it is genius.
From time to time I need to beat this game, it's like going back in time to when I was a teenager and was spending more than 100 hours in just one gameplay to master every character, completing all the side quests, finding the most obscure places in the world map, finding tough monster (like Yan).
I'm just writing here and wanting to play again :)
The soundtrack is the most iconic, from the start screen, until the final boss battle, I listen it as a way to live again every moment of it.

My first Final Fantasy and I just love it! Of course lots of nostalgia in it.
However I replayed it last year, and it was just as good. Once you know how the junction system works, and you should avoid leveling up too much, you get a fair playthrough. But that may also ruin your gameplay if you are unaware of. It's a bit exploitable, drawing magic infinitely from the enemies to boost your stats. In my opinion they should limit it at least.
The card game is amazing, I spent hours and hours just collecting all the cards. That's best mini game in the entire series.
There's a lot of criticism related to the story, that gives to much emphasis on the romance between Squall and Rinoa, but it was something new by that time, and totally fair experiment from the Squaresoft.
It has one of the most challenging final boss. The design of the last dungeon is great.

The most remarkable game of the series, also due to a huge marketing behind.
The cyber-punk style + the deep character development, bonding the villain and the main character is what really stands out for me.
Surely it was super important when it came out, introducing the 3D gameplay for the JRPGs.
But I have to confess that it a bit overrated, it gets too many spin-offs. I mean there are better titles in the series, which never get any attention.
I never understand why do they have to insert so many mini-games, they annoying most of the times, and obligatory to proceed in the story.
I just really hate the first dungeon (which is the entire FFVII remake), it's claustrophobic, always pushing you with those countdowns. For me the game really starts when we get off Midgar, then it's just great!

Almost unanimity that this is one of the best games of the series. That's my second favorite.
The story is so fresh and absolutely fantastic with one of the best villains of the JRPGs. Kefka is psicopath, evil to the core, but at the same time he's likeable. Spiced up by a huge and charming cast of characters. That's the first time I felt caring by each of the characters and experimenting different combinations of party members. Unlike FF V, now each character is very unique with specific attacks, and of course there are sometimes big differences in power among them.
Soundtrack is amazing. Every single aspect of this game is awesome.

Although I love this game, I still can see many flaws. Apart of one of the best stories of the Final Fantasy series, it's an unbalanced game.
The 3 battle sequence of Velius is unforgiven, total out of proportion compared to what we have seen before and after (it's like a true final boss). If it would be a side quest, like in other Final Fantasy that are optional super bosses, it would be ok. On the other side of the balance, there is Orlando. One of the most overpower character I've seen in any JRPG. The guy is a killing machine, he's able to solo most of the missions and the game becomes a walk in the park.
I'm not a fan of the waiting for the skill to be carried out during the battle, mainly for the mages. It's easy to be interrupted, it's such a horrible engine, that fortunately was cut out in the following FF Tactics.

This version is great and solved the many bugs from the original NES version.
I would recommend it just for the fans of the series, to experience the beginning of this fantastic series.
This version is quite fun and short. Beatable in less than 20 hours.