Back when I got this game in 2012, I was in a tight spot when it comes to my passions in media. Most of my family and friends considered videogames as a "worthless waste of time", that are only capable of damaging your mind and will never be able to make anything other than that. Behing a big insecure fella, this pressure would have led me to agree with them.

Then I played this game, and it changed my mind forever.
Not only it's one of the best game I have ever played... it's probably the piece of media that shaped me the most and is responsible for the person I am today.

This game is a masterpiece. The main director, Masahiro Sakurai (the mastermind behind Super Smash Bros and Kirby) takes the premise of a goofy NES title, ressurrect it and evolves it in so many ways, that makes it stand out so hard over the landscape of modern videogames. It does so many things well that are even hard to list in a single review.

The presentation is immaculate, using the console it was build for to its limits. It takes big inspiation by greek mythology while also twisting most of the things we know about it, to create a really creative, wacky and endearing world.
The writing is incredible, lighthearted and full of hilarious moments, but it's also able to hit hard when the story is at its darker moments.
The characters and their banters are some of the best part of the game. All of them have these bombastic personalities, enhanced by the always amazing voice acting performances, and the way they interact with each others lead to one of the best cast in Nintendo's catalogues of heroes and villains.

The gameplay is addictive, with almost infinite levels of customization and over 100 types of weapons and combat styles to perfect.
The music and graphics are stuck in my mind for years, and complements really well the wacky adventures the games unfold.
It has one of the best multiplayer mode I have ever seen in a game, so good that has been active for more than a decade, with a community always open to new players.

Like everything, it does have its flaws: the fact that this gem is a Thid-person shooter stuck on a portable console means that the way the control works can be considered janky or even hurtful for a lot of people. I totally get that.

But aside from that, if people come to me and ask "What kind of game you consider timeless art?".....
THIS is one of the things I will immediately point at!

My favorite videogames ever and an incredibly underrated masterpiece.
You will not regret it.

Have you ever seen "The tale of the Princess Kaguya" by Isao Takahata? It's a 2013 animated movie that adapts a classic Japanese tale, to create a movie that is not only graphically and musically masterful, but is able to tell a story that will liegitimally make you cry on multiple occasions.

Why am I comparing this animated movie to Okami, a Capcom game and directed by Bayonetta-creator Hideki Kamiya? Seems like and odd comparison at first.

Well, it's because, while these two pieces of art don't share the same messages and scope, they do share the same "soul".

Okami is an amazing experience, from start to finish.

It's a pleasure for both eyes and ears, with an artstyle and a direction that imakes it compete with the modern technological juggernauts of the videogame industry.

It has a lot of respect for the myths it draws inspiration from, but also twisted it to create a world that feels unique, enduring and incredible to live.

It has a lot of action, customization and exploration, similar to a lot of classic titles like Zelda, but it also includes a lot of messages regarding trust, growth and respect for nature.

I may sound cheesy, but the story of this game made me cry multiple times. The perfect blend of character interactions, music, graphic and expressed emotions led to the creation of one of the best moments that I ever experienced in a videogame.

It doesn't lack flaws. THe beginning of the game can feel slow, espeically on second playthroughs. And the fact that it was designed with the Wii Motion Controls in mind can lead to a bit of jankyness in some sections. But other than that... I find it fantastic.

Play Okami. In my opinion, one of the best games ever created, and my second favorite videogame of all time.

Smash Bros is my favorite gaming series: I have been a fan of thisfranchise even before the third title of the series, SSB Brawl, was released on the Wii. Since then, I joined the online community, not just to play, but to gush about the potential of the series. Ultimate feels like the culmination of all of those years of speculations and hype regarding the release and experiences of the past titles.

Smash bros Ultimate is not just a crossover fighting game.... it's feel like the Oscars of videogames: whatever series and characters are featured in this roster is not only highlited and becomes a big center of attention, but they are also celebrated. Smash bros treats its characters and worlds with a level of attention to details that rivals and even surpasses the best crossovers that plagued the modern media.

It's the perfect presentation for a lot of amazing heroes villains and stories in the videogame pantheon to collide with each other and indulge in wacky Cartoon network matches, with and amazingly addicting gameplay and a stellar amount of respect for the history of the featured series.

Ultimate specifically has some flaws that doesn't make it perfect: the Online features can be frustrating, and a lack of a proper story mode to link all of these characters together makes you feel like something is missing from the bigger picture.

But there is not to argue regarding the quality of it. One of Nintendo and Masahiro Sakurai's greatest achievements.
Impossible to not enjoy and a must play for everyone.


When it comes to Indie Developers, Supergiant games has been a criminally overlooked team for the longest time.
Their older titles, Bastion, Transistor and Pyre, have always been rather obscure titles, despite the immense amount of love and cure for details that had.

So has a big fan of these devs, I am glad Hades received the praise it got. This game takes all of the things that made the previous titles great, and is able ot expand upon it to create a rouge-like action packed experience that is able to appeal to everyone.

The Greek Mythology inspiration also lead to a really endearing story about a broken family, that is able to adorn and amazingly accompany the various attempts to escape the Underworld.

Everybody knows Hades it's great. Some may even consider it a perfect game..... and honeslty I will not disagree on that.

One of the most underrated Sony exclusives and one of my personal favorite games ever.

The original GR was a great title, ment to showcase the power of the PS Vita by combining a great combat and exploration similar to the PS4 SPiderman games, with unique ways to manipulate gravity around you, slightly reminiscent to titles like Super Mario Galaxy.

The sequel improves on the original in any possible way: the gameplay and gravity manipulation in much more fluid, the camera is less stiff, and the exploration now include much varied landscapes, that makes you want to explore this really creative world and even discover the ramifications of the society that lives in.

Kat, the protagonist, is one of the most charming super-hero character you can see in a videogame, and her journey towards this new and old world is an amazing experience to play.

Some sections of the game can be a bit slower than others, and the overall narrative can be... confusing, at times. But these flaws rarely impact the quality of the title.
The amount of passion the developers put into this game is so evident it's almost breathable. It truly feels like a giant passion project for the team of Japan Studio, that is evident in so much details of this title (in the game there is even a memorial for Norihiko Takami, one of the lead designer for the series that sadly passed away). Level of dedications like these are rarely found in triple A titles nowadays.

Gravity RUsh 2 is an aboslute masterpiece. Even if you haven't played the first title, I highly recommend it.

One of the ways I like to describe Octopath traveler is like "the best homemade Pizza Otto Stagioni you ever eat".

Also translated as "Eight seasons Pizza", it's basically a meal that is prepared in eight sections, each with diverse ingredients, with each section having a different "tone" or vibe. As a whole the pizza may feel too segmented, and for many this taste may not be their cup of tea, since the section with tomatoes can't be enjoyed with the section with cheese. But despite all of this, the way the pizza is presented, it's cooked and accompanied is able to generate some of the most positive emotions you ever had while eating.

Each "slice" of this game has a unique and different taste, that feels both like a celebration and an evolution of the classic formula it takes inspiration from. 8 stories, 8 protagonists, each of them with their own path, able to cross together in this adventure filled with an even more stunning HD2D artstyle, an incredible voice acting performance, an addicting but esurprisingly deep gameplay and job mechanic, and ONE OF THE BEST SOUNDTRACK EVER COMPOSED FOR A GAME.


One of the most overlooked games from 2023. A must play for every fan of the genre.

I gotta be honest, when I first tried the series, I was frustrated by hit. I remember trying to be up a Great Maccao, and being really frustrated by the janky controls, the weird slow methodical approach the game required, and the fact that every monster felt faster and more menacing than you (I guess I was just a silly dumb idiot...)

THen I kept playing... and sweating... and trying to get used to all of it.... then I beaten the Great Maccao, and kept playing... and playing, and playing....

Now Monster Hunter is one of my favorite series. The amount of addictive fights I had with this title alone is outstanding and lets you come back over and over again. Over 90 amazingly designed creatures not only make this game almost infinite, but also a sort of celebration to the history of the franchise up to that point.

It is a series that is hard to get into it, but when you join the ranks and experience the thrill of the hunt, either alone or togheter with others, there is no escape.

Monster Hunter is peak. Highly recommended.

Every Zelda games has it's pros and cons. Some say to prefer the vast landscapes of the Great Plateau in BOTW, other sprefer the classic esistentialism of Majora's Mask, and other funky fans prefer the dress up in Triforce Heroes....

For me Twilight Princess will always have a place in my heart. It may be it's more linear way to explore the world compared to titles like OoT or Wind Waker. It may be the incredible selection of dungeons: each unique and creative with their environmental puzzles and storytelling (Snowpeak Ruins, my beloved). It may be the incredible arsenal of weapons, which alongside the Wolf transformation create a enticing combat.

It may be the cool lineup of bosses, enemies and NPCs, which gives so much life to a world that is literally set up in darkness. Or, it may be the fact it features one of the best arcs for a side character in the series, with a tory that doesn't shy away from darker tones while also feeling whimsical and never boring.

I love Twilight Princess: many will not consider it the best The Legend of Zelda game... but it's without a doubt my favorite. Totally worth checking it out.

Imagine having a son, a son with a really interesting nieche that you kept supporting with all your heart, ever since you taken him home back in 1990.

Your son went well, kept up with their life, and eventually found people that cared for him and keep supporting him.

The problem was.... the talents your son had were considered... too nieche, and unispiring to the rest of the world. And so your son started hesitaing, slowing down his career, and eventually falling apart, crumbling on his feet.

You tried to bring him up with some attempts, reminding him of his glorious days, and the start of it's career... but it wasn't enough.

So.... you decided to try to support him one last time. You create a Swan Song for him, a tribute to celebrate not only what he accomplished... but what he CAn accomplish. A final son in honor of your child... that eventually payed off.

Because of this gem you created, your son is now considered one of the chariot that carries an entire genre in the videogame industry, a king, able to withstand any adversity and keep on going. You saved him.

If you were Intelligent System, Fire Emblem will be that child... and Fire Emblem Awakening will be that swan song that saved him.

Ace Attorney is a lot of things.

It's a really experimental title, who takes a bizzarre premise and turns into one of Capcom's most recognizable franchises.

It's a collection of trials that are also murder misteries, all unnecessarily intricates that lead to some of the most unexpected twists in the history of mistery games.

It's a comedy, full of wacky character that keeps on jumping and screaming on top of each other while also making valid points in a case.

It's a tragedy, which talks about families and friends that add to go throught though life decisions for either their personal gain, or the life of others.

It's also the realization of a dream from the former creator, director Shu Takumi, who used its literal life as an inspiration for some of these character.

But Ace Attorney is also another thing: it's a classic. An entertaining and amusing classic in the Videogame industry that stands the test of time despite the technological advancements of the modern times. A title that even people that don't play videogames will be able to enjoy to the fullest.

Rayman is one of the first fictional heroes of my life. The creative design, cool powers and endearing voice and personality are still something to look up to even today.

But the most endearing part of Rayman is how this character is able to adapt to every sort of setting and environment that Ubisoft shoved onto him over the years. Party games, Dystopian TV shows, immersive 2D and 3D adventures.... math games.....

But my favorite of his adventures is for sure Rayman 2, often considered one of the best platformers of the past generation.
While I feel it has some flaws in terms of difficulty and camera controls, this games is absolutely magical in its potrayal of a dreamlike world, full of bizzarre events and haunting nightmares.
You feel captivated but also scared by the world of Rayman 2, a land you want to come back over and over again. The adventure to rescue your home from space pirates leads you to a series of shenanigans that always surprise you, and play on the overall mystical feel of the game, with a movement that feels natural and fluid at the same time.

It has a charm that I feel non other 3D plaformer was ever able to recapture. A timeless classic to check out if you are a fan of the genre.

Despite the advencement in technology and the fact that the videoludic industry is bigger than ever, some people still find difficult to consider videogames as "proper pieces of art".

But there are some titles that alone will be able to put to rest these frequents comments. Hylics 2 is one of these titles.

A gem created by Mason Lindroth and Chuck Salamone: two people with a vision, a PC, a bunch of clay and a guitar, that were able to create one of the most bizzarre worlds I have ever seen in a videogame, with an aesthetic and music that allows to express so many different emotions at once, some of the most unique gameplay mechanics in the genre, and an atmosphere that makes you literally live a dream.

Hylics 2 is more than a game..... it's an experience. One of the most overlooked indie RPGs of recent years.

Kirby Star Allies is a really divisive title. Many fans of the series consider it a stepdown compared to other previous titles of the franchise. Other see it as a rehash of classsic ideas that are not combined together in the most effective way.

And at launch this may have been the case. However, I consider Star Allies to be my favorite Kirby game. And why is that?
Because it encapsulates everything I love about this franchise. It's a proper celebration of the over 20 years of iconicity of the squishy pink boy, brought together by a collection of playable heroes and villains of across the series, a series of great side modes that adds a lot of spice to the difficulty, and a story that opens some of the most fadcinating lore speculations I have seen in a Nintendo title (also yes Kirby Lore goes hard...)

Maybe not the best start if you are new to the franchise, but.... it's really worth cheking out if you're a fan of the series.

One of my best friends has this as his favorite piece of media.... and I highly respect that taste.

Hollow Knight is an incredible game, and indie from a small team that deserves all the praises it got over the years.
It's artstyle is beautiful, with an atmosphere and music that is able to fit every moment of your journey.
The world and characters create and incredible lore that can go toe to toe with titles like Dark souls, who uses a similar style of storytelling.
Every enemy and boss adds so much to the experience, other that creating some of the most thrilling fights I have ever experienced in a metroidvania.

SOmetimes the map feels dispersive and you see yourself wandering around over and over again into the same area.... but this adds so much to the experience, as you feel lost into this desolate land or hollow crickets and depserate souls.

There is a reason the sequel to this game have been a highly anticipated titles. One of the best indie games you can find. Definitely a masterpiece that everyone should try.

Bravely default is such a odd experience for me.

If I have to compare it to something, it would be a ride to a weirdly balanced to a rollercoaster.
The first half of the ride is a pretty standard, but still thrilling and able to entertain you and make you feel so many emotions, even better than other types of similar titles.
Then the second half of the ride starts and.... it can big a slug-fest, that forces you to repeat some parts of the ride over and over again with little to none changes.

But if you endure... you reach the climax, the final part... the the final section of Bravely Default is one of the most incredible endings of a game that I ever scene, that not only it's able to suppress, scare, thrill and pump you at the same time, but also manages to fully and smartly use the console it was built for to its limits (lso it has one the best final boss theme ever created).

Bravely default was initially designed to bring back the charm and passion for classic Square Enix jrpgs in an era when these where towards extinction... and it absolutely nailed it.

It does have some big flaws, but if you are a fan of this genre... check it out. It is totally worth it.