It was INCREDIBLY hard for me to put this game down, the gameplay was so addicting compared to IV

this game was so cool but Atlus is a dumb as hell company, why no DMC graphics when you bring dante back whys the music compressed why redo things in unity and not add any new content, why are they not rolling out patch updates to make it better and buff out the little shit. why. And its a rhetorical "why" because i know none of us will ever get them directly saying they dont feel like it. But otherwise i loved nocturne and being able to pick skills and the voice acting is cool and sometimes the HD looks really good.....but that being said i really wish they even went half the mile with this remaster

I knocked this out in like less than 2 hours maybe 1 hour and i gotta say, yep.
Like this is an easy rpgmaker classic. Checking this one off the list I think all i have left to do is play Omori
The first time I booted up this game I actually didnt play more than 10 minutes because the visuals were actually hurting my eyes lol. But that was like 7 years ago and nowadays ive played and seen much more eye straining content and its really not that bad. This game breaks many conventional turn based rpg norms while also having a really basic premise, I guarantee nobody has ever thought they needed to grind in Space Funeral.
I straight up sold my MP restoring items and I used healing items but i always felt like i had too many and would sell those. The combat got so simple that I genuinely just did the Blood Rush attack where you poison yourself and do extra damage... every time and it always worked pftftft
But Space Funeral's best attributes to me were in the absurdity of the adventure and the presentation of it all

I quite liked this visual novel :) Definitely was hitting some familiar beats I felt with Homestuck years ago but aimed to be something totally different, I enjoyed Zhen's descent over more intense political turmoil and I liked her chemistry with Abby. My only real gripes with it were how a lot of the space being shit really doesnt get tapped into at all and the title itself hardly has anything to do with the plot itself. I felt like this game was half of Hussie wanting to make a fun visual novel and also wanting an outlet to talk about serious themes that would just sound like whiny bitching if they didnt have a medium to be funneled through. I think for the context of Zhen as a character it works though and I enjoyed my time with this visual novel more than any new homestuck work soooo........ y e a h. I feel like it couldve benefited from being a separate visual novel and maybe a bit longerrrrrrrr? with some more stuff fleshed out about the world and with space and what not.
would be a 5/5 if Kojima was actually in the game (Hehe) but it gets a 3.5 from me. The most ambitious juggalo coming out story of all time

More like frackin... pees.
I like the models and this was at the v least amibitious
:) Dug the art direction and unique attack input system

I think the visuals are cool but this was a pretty shallow experience overall. I dig the art direction and being able to tag between both Firo and Klawd but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah, i wonder if anyone will even see this review

I really fucking hate Spike Chunsoft. I really really dont like them but I do think this is one of the best twists ive ever seen in a video game and ths franchise has so many great qualities

this was the first zelda i ever actually played

why the fuck is the honey queen playable

may god rest your bastard soul

Truly the 'The Godfather' of dinosaur games

god damn this shits hard
im so bad dude

This is one of the dumbest fucking things ive ever played