16 Reviews liked by Benfoldsone

The most joyful game experience I had in 2019.

Not sure it has much replay value (I already wanted to leave the extra to do list stuff for further off in the future) but the main game content was nice.

Loved snatching things then running around honking wildly. <3

I don't believe anyone who claims they finished this game in under 50 hours without consulting a guide. Most of the puzzles rely either on extreme trial and error or intuiting leaps of ludicrous moon logic. The boss fights range from kind of silly and gimmicky yet entertaining to infuriating garbage.

Otherwise it's still a pretty swell little stealth game with some great 80s B-movie vibes and a highly memorable intro sequence.

A masterpiece of perspective and reimagination.

Every now and then, a game comes along that changes your perception of what games can and could be. Outer Wilds is one of those. A masterpiece of tone whose mechanics of solar system-sized exploration meld beautifully, perfectly with the story the player discovers by engaging with them.

The end result is sublime enough it sent shivers down my spine. Game of the Year 2019; please go experience Outer Wilds.

This game is 1,000 hours too long and the writing gets progressively worse as it goes. But the visual style and music are absolute fire, so it’s at least worth experiencing the first handful of dungeons.

This game changed my life, in that it inspired me move to San Francisco from the east coast to begin happily working at Double Fine for most of my adult life. Once there, I located a wife and a corgi, the former of which teamed up with me to spawn a son. Psychonauts is the butterfly wing flap that I can trace most of the great things in my life back to. I can't think of another game that has had such an impact. Seems worth a 5 star rating.

This game's ending is severely flawed. How am I supposed to play it when I've got so many tears covering my eyes?

Beaten this game so many times now, masterful use of environmental storytelling and a gorgeous atmosphere and hey I'm gay too, good story, we stan

A wild new genre appeared!

Fuck this game and its shitty fucking attitude. Like a smug gifted artist who just happens to be the worst person you know, and the fact that he’s actually good at painting makes it all the more infuriating.

Hitman 2 consumed my thoughts in a way that few games ever have. It wasn't just that I played so much of it, but my time spent not playing was often spent turning about each level in my mind, trying to conjure up new routes or ideas for contracts. It shows the relative lack of resources IO had to work with at times, but still provides more than enough content to satisfy players.