Very fun greatest hits game. That said god do all the boss fights suck. The story also just did not exist which is a shame, there was a lot of potential with the premise


Tbf I suck at shooters and figuring out basic mazes so this was a struggle for me. That said Doom Eternal was some of the most fun I've had with a video game so I feel no shame with my rating for Doom (2016)

Mario really fucking destroys those Koopa's homes jfc

The last castle having that weird maze where everyone dies to the time limit and ends up getting a game over is a master class in troll game design

The designing for video on 1-1 rocks

Look I never played a Fallout game before 4 I can't help but love it. Maybe someday I'll play 3 or New Vegas

I fucking love that the sidequests really make you stop and appreciate the open world

Chrome Dino is a game you play as a last resort. When all else has failed and I have been disconnected from reality. Also I am bad at it

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The game marketing doing the big ARKHAM KNIGHT IS NOT RED HOOD and everyone including me being shocked at the pre release reviews saying there was too much batmobile.

The Arkham Knight was Red Hood and there was too much batmobile.

It took me several more hours than most to beat this, I really suck at stealth games

The level progression is kind of annoying and those 'vhs' + rhythm levels left a horrible taste in my mouth but the movement feels amazing and there's so many good levels

What an odd, fascinating game. I don't think it's aged poorly cause even at the time DMC 1 feels like an anomaly. Odd combat that takes awhile to get a feel for, never ending enemies and an odd horror game ass castle to explore made DMC1 very memorable though not necessarily fun for me

What makes Link Between Worlds go from pretty good video game to one of the best Zelda games I've played is just how fun it is on replay. LTTP is amazing but LBW has such freshness on each playthrough with just by being slightly less linear. Wonderful experience

Ibuki is a queer icon. As a whole this has my favorite Danganronpa cast. The fun house chapter is an all timer DR Chapter

Gorgeous game and innovative, yada yada. The actual game's difficulty is pretty low and it wasn't very challenging figuring out where to go. I also kept accidentally getting the strongest items that broke the game near immediately. Still worth a playthrough but one of the weaker igavanias, especially when you get to the amazing ds castlevanias

My ps3 controller died during a cutscene so I put it on charge and by the time the cutscene was done my controller was fully charged.

I did all the bosses non lethal but didn't get a reward cause I was unaware that mob at the end of chaoter 1 counted as a boss