If this game was a person I'd beat the shit out of it.

Alright, who's the funny guy who made this?

It's going to finally come out and still have a trailer at every fucking game show.

This review was written before the game released

Love this hotel, the staff was amazing, will be coming back for sure.

Listen kid I don't have much time, the level design is all straight ro-

This game is so at odds with itself, it wants to be Kiryu's final chapter but also wants to cash in on that yakuza 0 newcomer boom. So what you end with is a game with a primarily fresh cast, that's isolated from the rest of the series. The ending attempts to bring some closure to Kiryu's saga, but it really just feels thrown in there. There's so much left unsaid between so many of these characters that I just can't really get behind the decision.

I had fun doing a casual run, it was a cute, short, jammin adventure with a bad framerate and sometimes annoying camera. Then it asked me to get almost every gold card in the game, so I did and it was sort of a pain but I still would've given this game 3 stars. The final levels you get, however, are horrible. They require frustratingly accurate bomb placement and hold the most annoying enemies in the entire game. Those final levels broke me, and I will never be the same again.

This game sucks peter testicles

(The twist and how it ties into everything is pretty cool though)

I do be waking up like this sometimes

Great action RPG with simple yet satisfying combat about reacting to enemy patterns, blood-pumping music, and some of the best side characters in a videogame. The game starts super strong, you find yourself on a mysterious deserted island, now you must gather up the remaining survivors among the ship they were on and build/expand your settlement until you can leave. I was hoping the game would expand and flesh out these ideas even more than it already had but to my disappointment, it didn't. The game instead focuses on Dana and the Eternians, and I don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare. Nothing is interesting about the eternians or Dana herself that compelled me to learn more, this is where the plot lost me for a bit. Speaking of Dana, they spend a lot of time focusing on her relationship with Adol, but the problem is that their relationship is non-existent. Adol is a mostly mute character that's supposed to represent the player's sense of adventure when playing, so they already shot themselves in the foot by centering a relationship around him and as I mentioned before, I don't find Dana interesting in the slightest. Luckily the end game plot scenarios are a lot more interesting, even if the ending sucks. Lastly, For a game with such strong side characters, I was shocked to see that the main cast was really weak and underdeveloped. I wish we got more downtime for the party to bond because while I didn't care for everyone, some relationships were really charming. Sahad and Ricotta's father-daughter relationship comes to mind. Anyways great game with a kinda sucky story.