An extremely cute and sweet and pretty pretty pretty lesbian vn with trauma and car related special interests

profoundly well realised work that fromsoftware has been haunted by and incapable of replicating for the past 14 years

confrontational guro meta nightmare that occasionally manages to be very hot, wish keisuke was explicitly a trans girl

a game with extremely conflicted ideas about connections that for some reason gets taken as "wow, isn't it great to have friends?"

sexual appeal of incredible melancholic violence with all the mechanics feels profoundly transgender

"Girls you have schizophrenia!" but as an explanation for every evil action ever taken (it's hilariously bad though)

Outlast 2 asks the brave question of : "What if the trans woman was an evil rapist with aids and then someone beat her to death offscreen after she chases your around like a really hot hobgoblin? "

performing rituals in digital spaces is a blessed task and should be treated as such

perfect dreamy melancholia WAHOOO

Beautiful horny suffering pixelart, spanish catholicism pushed in both suffering and eroticism to its breaking point, and it's very fun to play.
Though oddly it's hard to feel much for this game, like an unspeakably beautiful painted and very functional machine, maybe it's a lil too solid.


A painful game, released as a an echo of what it was supposed to be, still varied and beautiful and complex, but it's half death killed the entirety of evolution games with it, which will never cease hurting me.