The worst thing to happen to TMNT 2012 since Karai

When I want to wear the blue mask but my bitch wife wants me to wear the orange mask

Well... who wants a lamby, lamby, lamby?
I do! I do!
So, go up and greet your mammy, mammy, mammy
Hi there! Hi there!
So march, march, march around the daisies,
Don't, don't, don't you forget about the ba-by!

Can Kirby stop the train in GTA V?

Luigi, killing babies before your favorite survival horror franchise

The haters are sleeping on my Pegging skills

Stop Pegging me dude, no one likes a Pegger

Ninja pacifiers, I want your baby sucking on me- ok that

"Skaters wear, like, rags and shoelaces for belts, because their identities can't be BOUGHT"

"So where do they get their clothes, the thrift store?"

"Nah, the skate shop"

Hotel Transylvania really let itself go after the fourth movie


I am under the water

Please help me

Here too much raining ooooo

You take the moon and you take the moon and you take the moon and you take the moon and you take the moon and you take the moon and you take the moon