This is genuinely one of the least satisfying puzzle games I have ever played. One of my favorite parts of puzzle games is being stumped for a while and then having that sudden "aha!" moment when you realize what to do. That never happened with this game, as usually it's just trial and error until you find something that works. Even the tiniest changes in your bridges can cause a huge difference, so it's hard to ever tell what will actually work until you try everything.

I also feel like there's too much freedom in what you can do at points. It's incredibly easy to just cheat the system and find something that works when it's not really what you're meant to do. The game makes an effort to point out how much all the resources you used costs, but never does anything with it. It doesn't even keep track of it so you can come back later and try to beat the level by spending less. It would be much better if you had limited funds and had to figure out how to reach the goal with only that amount of money.

That being said, this is just a nice game to chill with, but it doesn't provide much more than that.

This is one of those rare occasions where my thoughts on a game have done nothing but improved as time goes on. Nearly everything in this game is spot on, from the catchy and memorable music to the fascinating and thoughtful story. A few of this game's characters are some of my favorites in all of gaming. It definitely shows its age in some areas, but it's still surprising how well it pulled off everything considering when it released. The materia system is genius and allows for a lot of flexibility that can result in some fun and satisfying setups. Even the side content is such a great quality, and I want to go after the two superbosses sometime down the line. This game is an absolute masterpiece and provides such a great and magical experience. I cannot express my love for this game enough.

A really charming and surprisingly well-crafted tech demo/controller showcase. I really enjoyed seeing all the references to the variety of games from PlayStation's past. Some parts were weird to control, but it makes sense as it's showcasing the DualSense's features. This a fun little experience that's definitely worth trying, especially since it's free, and a part of me wants a full game like this.

An all-time classic for me. I consistently find myself coming back to this every once in a while because it's just that good. Everything is a step up from the first game; from the story and writing to the puzzles and mechanics. The atmosphere and theming is wonderful as well. The main story is amazing and I've replayed it multiple times since it's pretty short, but there's also a co-op mode that I've yet to even play. And if that's still not enough, the game also has a level editor that allows you to create and share levels online, as well as play others' creations as well. My only complaint is that I wish some of the puzzles in the story mode were more challenging. There's just so much to get out of this game, and I seriously cannot recommend it enough.

This is my least favorite of the 2D Metroids, but it's still a great game. It's a lot more linear and limiting than the other games which I personally don't like, but that could make it a great start for people just getting into the series. However, the story could be a little confusing as it's the latest in the Metroid timeline, and the bosses could prove to be a challenge. Metroid games have some of my favorite bosses, but sadly many of the bosses in Fusion are unfair to the point of it being frustrating. That being said, the rest of the game is a joy, especially because the movement is so fluid and polished.

This is admittedly a pretty short and barebones game, but it paved the way for an amazing sequel while still being an enjoyable experience on its own. The puzzles aren't very tough or unique and sometimes take a good amount of waiting, but the ending sequence is pretty fun and memorable. Overall, this is nothing insane, but it's a fun classic that can be completed in one sitting.

Final Fantasy IX is a magical experience. The characters are so well fleshed out, with Vivi surprisingly being a favorite of mine. I always loved seeing more of the characters' interactions, especially since the writing of this game is magnificent and humorous at points. The story is enjoyable, largely due to the characters, but the pacing felt slightly of with some of the reveals near the very end of the game. The world is great and really makes it feel like a true adventure with lots to discover and learn both physically and lore-wise. The music is yet another strong point, as it expertly suits every part of the game. Combat was a little dull however, as I often found it was best to just spam normal attacks and occasionally heal when it was needed. Many fights also ended up being frustrating due to the various status effects that are thrown at you constantly and really put you at a huge and annoying disadvantage (particularly Stop). However, I adored the game's system of learning abilities. It causes the player to use a variety of equipment and allowed for a lot of customization, leading to gear setup being particularly fun for me. It's surprising that this game was on the PS1, but it definitely feels outdated at points. I'd love to see a remake of this incredible game in the future.

Yet another great Metroid game. I feel that this refines the Prime formula even more than the previous entries, even if it is a little too linear for my taste. I really liked the idea of going to multiple different planets and the music for each area is fantastic. Most of the upgrades were pretty underwhelming this time around however, as most of them are just brought back from the previous Prime games. I do appreciate that the beams were just straight upgrades this time around instead of separate options like in Prime 1/2. I didn't really like how the atmosphere is changed now that there is a huge group of people that Samus interacts with, especially since they keep contacting her and tell her where to go. This ends up being rather annoying at points. In the end, this might end up being my favorite of the Prime games so far, but I can't wait to see if Prime 4 changes that.

I've been itching to play some Portal, so I was in luck to find this excellent Portal 2 fan mod that just released. The quality is surprisingly similar to the actual game and it has some levels that were satisfying to complete. The new time portal is a really cool mechanic that resulted in me being stumped for a while on quite a few levels. However, I wish there was more of a difficulty curve, as it's pretty much nonexistent here. Overall, it's a fun little experience that definitely helped scratch that Portal itch.

This game is a classic. It's fun and satisfying and contains a lot of charm and personality, from the gameplay to the music. Sadly, I wish this were a better remaster, if you can even call it that. It feels more like port, as it's essentially the exact same as the original. All the textures are still extremely pixelated and I wish better shading/shadows were added. The lack of autosaves is extremely annoying as well. That being said, the base game is just so good, and I find myself coming back to play a level or two all the time. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone that's at all interested.

This was a classic for me when I was much younger, so I may be a bit biased, but this game is just simply fun. Sure the cutscenes are rough and the controls may be a bit janky at points, but it's just enjoyable. I love the variety in the level themes and the music for a majority of the levels is so good. I didn't want it to end, so I could definitely see myself coming back to do some of the side missions in the future.

I obviously don't need to say that this game is good, that's just a given. The levels are constructed with quality, and I honestly prefer them more than the first game's. The music is top-tier and the use of an orchestra is extremely appreciated. However, I do wish the movement was a little more fluid and not quite as slow and stiff. And although I did get the 120 main stars, I can't be bothered to get any of the green stars. Overall, I think I prefer this game over the original due to it having more cool moments and interesting levels. Definitely a fun experience.

Specter of Torment is a much better expansion than Plague of Shadows. The levels are almost completely redesigned and have new music, providing a much more fresh experience. Specter Knight has a few unique moves that make movement really fluid and fun. There are also a lot of cool details that take advantage of the fact that it's a prequel. This is definitely on the same level as Shovel of Hope, possibly even better.

Style is easily this game's strong point. The music, visuals, and aesthetic are all top notch and hold up surprisingly well. Sadly the same can't be said for the camera and controls. The movement is odd at first, but it becomes extremely satisfying and fun the better you get.

This is easily one of the best DLC expansions I've ever played. It's basically just more of the main game, which isn't a bad thing, but it still feels unique. What really makes it so great is that it doesn't feel like typical DLC. Instead, the quality is on the same level as the base game, making it hard to tell what's The Frozen Wilds and what is the actual game. Doing the quests here even slightly affects parts of the normal story, making it blend together even more. This is what I wish other DLC expansions were like.