What an joyful game. I played it in a weekend after just passing a certification exam that I put tens of hours into and this was such an amazing reward.

I knock it for lackluster bosses and it IS on the easier side. But man, the level design is top notch and there's constantly new ideas. I was constantly surprised and smiling throughout. Peak 2D Mario.

As close to perfect as a AAA game can be. Simply an incredible game and wonderful capstone to a legacy franchise for story and gameplay. Dropping Valhalla for free makes this an 11/10. Sony’s best IP for sure. It has everything I love about games.

Hate is a strong word but every level was just awful. The bonus levels are the worst and the only reason I even saw the end was due to anniversary edition. I would never play this with limited lives or continues. It’ll be luck to ever be played again.

EDIT: I had to go back and remove a star because it's worse than Sonic Adventure 2 Battle which is my new definition for a 2/5 game.

Absolutely brilliant. Not a single word of dialogue, just intuitive and satisfying puzzle solving. A comfortable 5 hours and a platinum trophy that you can go back and complete if you miss any well hidden secrets. A masterfully artistic game and easy recommendation.

I wish less games existed so I could just replay Elden Ring. 117 hours of the best experiences video games can offer.

I have the same quarrels with this game as I do Breath of the Wild. Some of those aspects are even more prevalent. But again, the initial magic and scope was recaptured for me. While the story's presentation was abhorrent, it was really epic and investing.

We're so close to what an ideal modern Zelda can be. But I'm someone would like less Minecraft and more Elden Ring.

I'm still picking away towards 100% but it's going to take even longer.

More: https://youtu.be/Ijka11BZ6po?si=BA3m7PO2eBz43tUS

Among the best open world games I've ever played, but far from my favorite Zelda game.

Some aspects, such as the divine beats, I've come around on after Tears of the Kingdom had well themed but weaker dungeon designs overall.
Perhaps my biggest issue is I don't think it's replayable. Shrines are not satisfying to replay like dungeons are. There's not enough incentive to relive the events in the game since you can just rewatch the cutscenes of the past. Bosses are also lackluster for the most part.

It's really easy to harp on this game, but I got all the koroks after 210 hours. The first time is a magical experience with unparalleled freedom and exploration.

The most directionless game I've played. Got to the desert level questioning everything I had even done up to that point. The traditional levels were alright and the one boss I did was "cool", but I could not continue this one.

I think it's a game that best encapsulates what I like about PC gaming.

Fun multiplayer
Insane Mods
Replay Value

There are a lot of dry moments for me outside of those aspects. I don't like running back and forth really far to the entrance on most moons, especially the one with the pumpkins. And the randomly generated rooms are supposed to be confusing with several dead ends, but that said balance of the experience is pretty close overall.

Looking forward to what else comes from the team.

Sakurai's best game direction outside of Smash.

There are trading cards for this game.
There's multiplayer.
There are smash-like trophy models.

The marketing at the time was also excellent. I thought I had beaten the game when you fight Medusa, they even roll credits. Then there's another two thirds of the game left. I played to crap out of it.

I think it came out a little to early to take off when it should have. It is all of Sakurai's design philosophies crammed into a retro revival love letter that is among Nintendo's best presentation in a game.

Need this remastered yesterday.

I slept on Earthbound for years. Could not get into it on Wii U.

I was lucky enough to reexperience it on an actual Super Nintendo. Once I got past where I got stuck and moved forward, I could not put the game down and it has become one of my favorite RPGs.

I would listen back on the soundtrack but stop put to where I was so I was not spoiled by the initial reveal. Easily one of my favorite OSTs and my favorite on the SNES.

I recommend everyone at least give it a shot. The cult classic culture behind this game is real and wholeheartedly deserved.

Forever my favorite Mario game. While I prefer design concepts of games more akin to Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Odyssey, I will never get the same feeling from those games as I do Galaxy. The soundtrack is 11/10. The amazing level designs of each galaxy are memorable and the optional story is heartwarming. Unlocking more of the comet observatory as the music evolves is magical. You could argue Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a better video game, but it is not a necessary life experience like the original.

My favorite game in my favorite series. While it stressed me out as an 11 year old, once you come to master the world it takes hold of you. To me there's no better realized world in the medium of a video game, the three day time mechanic being integral to this. The atmosphere and world design are masterful, all made in less than 2 years of stressed development time. The hard work was worth the effort, as I'll be trying my best to ensure this is the last game I ever play.

The first game I ever played turned out to be a really good advertisement for video games as a concept. I've never looked back and I owe it all to Melee. My favorite game.