Old men, ruling the world... a new age

They don't make em like they used to

The funniest and smartest game I've ever played

I really wish people were able to iterate on this style of first person shooter

The ending is kind of like when a balloon deflates and makes a sort of farting noise

I don't love the combat, and there's so much. Which is fucked up to say about a God of War game


Great game, although some builds feel like easy mode and others feel impossible.

[Tim Robinson singing] In our world whale bones equal dollars

A full course meal at a Michelin star restaurant

A masterpiece in character writing, especially for video games. But the mission design is rockstar's standard "follow guy to location, do shoot out". There thankfully enough exceptions like the hot air balloon, the le moyne bank robbery, the jail breaks, or the train robberies etc. that make the story worthwhile. Also the world feels more fully realized and alive than any other game I've played.

This game is so strange. It does so much so poorly - the stealth missions are straight out of the early 00s, the combat is just batman but worse, the boss battles are often just quick time events, the cookie cutter side missions etc. etc. But they nail the web slinging SO HARD, and the recreation of New York was so impressive, that it ended up being maybe the only open world game where I approached 100% completion (I think I didn't finish all the gang hideouts or whatever, because those are just too much of a slog). So I dunno what to give it.

An incredible opening but gets worse as it goes on, until you finally reach the nonsensical ending. But still really happy I played, what an experience. Just play it!

A game that's aged pretty poorly, it' still a master class in world design and environmental story telling.


Charming and it doesn't out stay it's welcome, but ultimately very simple gameplay-wise. A walking simulator where you're a cat... not enough games let you play as non-human creatures.