Most addicting fighting game I've ever played

Couldn't beat the fucking MQ spirit temple the puzzle made no sense I had no wifi back then

The first game I ever owned, was too young to understand a damn thing, took me years to ever get around to beating it, but still adore it to this day

Straight ass ost is peak tho

I have about a collective 5000 hours on this game, it fucking sucks

The most spiderman game ever

The most boring and fun game of all time depending on the the day

Such an incredible story with amazing characters, a perfect ost, and nearly perfect gameplay and some improvments to the way routes work in the series

Dogshit story and whatever characters but perfect gameplay

A game with perfect characters, a perfect story, a perfect ost and really fun gameplay. It will change you as a person

Changed me fundamental as a person, the most life defining game. It's ost is unique, strange and beautiful. The characters are realistic, dynamic and ever changing. The story is beautiful and builds very slowly over a long period. The gameplay is methodical and somewhat slow at every point. Very difficult and extremely satisfying to master.

Greatest Zelda game of all time