it's portable re5 mercenaries and for that reason it's good

it was definitely overpriced but with the power of a modded 3ds and a dream you too can skirt around that

probably one of the better depictions of mental illness i've seen but that's literally all i can say about this game because it ends in like 15 minutes

introduces a lot of neat things to the series but gets carried hard by the last case and is easily the weakest of the trilogy

my sister and I played this together. it's fun shooting things. doesn't overstay its welcome. it's good

i think this game is incredibly charming because of the time it was made in and how unique it is compared to later entries. it's not outstanding but i think it's fun to look back on

i probably wouldn't care for this game if i played it now because i generally find pokemon games quite boring past the first couple hours but i have a lot of fond memories of it so it's good in my book

dunno, it's pretty fun. kind of a mess to play with more than like two people but in general it's a good game

the gameplay itself is only just okay but it gets bumped up for me because it's probably the most fun co-op mario game. it's just great to play with your siblings/friends because there's so much more space compared to something like NSMB wii/u. it has some neat levels too

higher highs and lower lows. what i thought about THH mostly applies the same here.

incredibly strong art direction and music but the writing isn''t great. story has some good moments, it's just overall kinda meh. the cases themselves are pretty good, though.

I feel insane for putting this over Adventure but genuinely I think this is a lot more fun because it's more tightly packed and I can replay it over and over again without getting worn out

I mean, it's okay. Looks fantastic for the NES and aged pretty well but its just not something I really care to go back to.

I think the combat system is really unique and fun to play. Timing your hits just right feels great. I like exploring the ship, it does the RE style of finding items and unlocking new areas pretty well.

It has a lot of questionable design choices though, and the game almost feels like it wants you to savescum the hell out of it and play it like it's metal gear solid because holyshittheressomanyzombies. Encounters are draining and the best option is oftentimes just tanking hits hard, making the resource management feel not nearly as satisfying as the console titles it's trying to emulate.

Overall it's pretty okay as the novelty it is, but I see why many got fed up with it.

not a ton of people have played minish cap relative to most of the other "big" games but whenever i hear from someone who has they almost always laud it as one of if not the best 2d zelda.

and uhhh i don't really see it lol

i think the bosses were pretty neat by 2d standards, and it is beautiful and one of the best looking GBA games. the size shifting mechanic is cool. but a good bit of it kinda sucks

the overworld is way too cramped and is not enjoyable to traverse--it feels like there's hardly any room to explore. and when you DO explore, you just get kinstones a good 90% of the time.

kinstones are not a fun mechanic. you get so fucking many of them just to find somewhere you can fuse them and THEN you get to actually do the minimal side content the game has to offer.

the game is also absurdly easy and one of the shorter games in the series. idk man it's like a 6/10 idk what yall are smoking

very interesting game, one of the most unique in the series. also just one of the more fun ones to do a playthrough of and never look back--it's short and not particularly hard.

i'd probably give it more scrutiny if i played it more but i think it's pretty okay for what it is.