this is just shitty bioshock, who wouldve thought

so many memories with my dad and my brother playing this. im honestly so thankful i got to play this when i was a kid

some ideas here can make a so called "masterpiece"

and i hope they will

my dads favourite videogame

i love the dialogue and i found it so engaging and honest that i dont care much about the pandering and its mistakes in general

can videogame protagonists shut up

i found myself believing this was gonna get better but it got worse and then ended

the people who generally like this game have a quite expected common trait

had lots of fun with the control and movement but it should be harder, less pandering and more focused

fuck this game and the trend it represents

paradise killer but without style

i think i didnt have too much game left but it glitched and i couldnt save or enter any rooms because a dialogue box filled the screen

i dont want to fucking die

some bosses are annoying and most of the game is too easy but overall its pretty fun and visually very striking