i shall simply refuse to speak about how much the final boss of this baby game repeatedly kicked me in the dick

this may be an average-tier outing for our pink puffball but the game's fun enough i find it sad the mid 2010s canon of "best NES games" never gave kirby's adventure its salt!!! hand the controller to someone under the age of 35 and i promise this is one of the only games on the system that won't horrifically rot and decay in front of them like a shambling undead zombie

kirby in every other game: =D
kirby in this game: =|

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i am ill guys need me help. leave a detailed description of who you is

uchikoshi has done an incredible service for online porn creators and nsfw fanfic writers everywhere by finally writing a story that makes people cry that also happens to have a middle 80% with dialogue indistinguishable from dialogue that could appear in r34 comics about the receptionist lady's fat tits or date getting railed by pewter. god bless america

now we know that if higurashi was for normies and came out in 2017, we would have had to see rena ryuugu and shion sonozaki shake elbows with freddy fazbear and the blue haired freak from friday night funkin in awful youtube minecraft music videos

almost everything in cyber sleuth is honestly “okay-ish” and it is otherwise just a mid tier SMT game with digimon. HOWEVER. this game being one of the few modern iterations of the digimon franchise not utterly consumed in a feverish nostalgia and the fact it has turned into the digimon franchise’s most viable competitor to the Pokémon games kind of obligates me to shill it to everyone I know as “what if there was a persona game you could use Beelzemon in”

you spoiled zoomers who got to build a party of all your favorite digimon in cyber sleuth after thirty minutes of grinding have no IDEA HOW GOOD YOU HAVE IT...!!!!

everything that happens after getting the urge to boot up a clicker game is to people with adhd what biting into a delicious looking peanut butter cookie and falling into anaphylactic shock is to people who know they have severe nut allergies. probably

i think more time-loop games should have friendly bald men in them who, like a golden retriever chasing a bone, will happily and unquestionably do all of the menial good deeds of previous timelines that you direct them to

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the final escape from the moon making you think this game was gonna end like bastion, only to then reveal that there's nothing in the level able to press the switch which opens the exit EXCEPT for royal's dying body is one of the most ice-cold things ive seen in a video game

they should really make a sequel to this game but with cards instead of horses

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the stoat did all that because that's just what hearthstone players are like

it's genuinely wild how many of this game's SNES contemporaries such as mario world and super metroid have remained as fun and timeless in 2021 as they were in 1991, meanwhile link to the past ends up becoming more and more of bummer to replay with each passing year

so are "rabid fandboys of ocarina of time who will tear you a new asshole if you criticize their sacred cow" an actual significant demographic of people that exist in real life or did every mid-2010s gaming youtuber make up a guy in their head and get mad at them while trying to justify their favorite zelda that wasn't this game