Honestly a 3.5 but it gets an extra star because Redditors annoy me. Also DBZ skins are getting added so that's cool

Fun level design and good powerups. Very fun multiplayer in either the game itself or extra modes. Doesn't bring anything really new to the table but a great experience nonetheless

It's fun to shoot things with a bunch of wacky guns, nothing more to say.
Fuck the ammoconda tho

A great experience hiding true depth under it's crass surface. The engaging story and cutscenes about finding meaning and what it means to have all you could want. Travis is a likable character despite his aggressive demeanour and all the bosses serve as interesting parallels to an aspect of either Travis or the life of an assassin. Fun hack and slash gameplay with some amazing boss fights that all serve a fun purpose without feeling too gimmicky. Only flaw is the dull open world with a motorbike that feels like it's made of paper, but everything besides that is top tier


Everything about this game is phenomenal. The great art and aesthetic, amazing music, and truly great characters with some of the best voice work I've seen in a video game. The gameplay is also some of the best I've played, with every powerup and upgrade blending into a great playstyle, with nothing feeling truly weak. No enemy or boss felt truly unfair or aggravating, making every loss seem like your fault you can correct. The story is also great, being something that could only be truly realized through the medium of video games, with an ending that made me tear up after finishing that first run.
A must play for anyone even remotely into rougelikes.

(I do feel the need to mention this is from someone who gave up after the 6th gym)

Awful experience. Even ignoring all the controversy from before the game released (getting rid of half the roster to 'focus on animations' and then releasing a paid companion piece with all the Pokémon in it could solve world hunger using the water filtered from the piss that was taking) the game is terrible. The one piece of praise I'll give is that a lot of the new Pokémon look good, just like every other Pokémon game (minus the starters and box legendries). Now for the bad things.
The map design is terrible. Nothing but straight lines with one bland open world area with barely anything to do in it.
I hated Hop. Easily one of the worst rivals in the series who worships your existence for knowing basic mechanics like type advantages. I did like Bede somewhat as I actually felt compelled to fight him, however.
The combat is way too easy. Forced EXP share makes it so you easily overlevel every pokemon and trainer in the area where one shotting gym leaders becomes easy. There's also dynamax, where you make your pokemon big. The only strategy regarding it is to go big when your opponent does. It's just the admittedly unbalanced Mega Evolution from gen 6 but worse in every aspect.
Overall, there's nothing here you couldn't get in any other Pokémon game, play any other one. Getting one star instead of half because the quality of this game got me to play SMT which is an infinitely better series

Honestly one of the most overhyped games I think I've played. I found the plot predictable and while 2B and A2 are interesting characters. Both had fun if repetitive gameplay with some great boss fights, which is lessened thanks to your robot companion shooting everything from afar. 9S gameplay, however, was a boring slog where you hold a button, play space invaders for a few seconds, and then the enemy explodes. The soundtrack was great, however. The plot kept me in but there wasn't much to think back on, just dropping some vague themes and not doing much with them. Overall a decent game I don't regret playing, but probably won't be revisting

Amazing story and best worldbuilding of any Shin Megami Tensei game. amazing characters I was genuinely invested in and felt bad for once the thing happens, fun and challenging gameplay with the largest demon roster in the series. Only real downside is having some of the worst overworld map design I've ever seen (Like it's honestly an achievement with how badly they fucked it up) combat is also great, if a bit one sided thanks to the smirk system either devastating you or your enemies, even if the bosses are extremely fun. Overall, a must play for JRPG fans

Brilliant fighting game. Most of the many characters are given faithful movesets and are all at least a little fun to play. Great stage variety and fun in both casual and comp settings. The only real downside is how the online is basically a meme with how awful it is.

No clue how a 2006 anime platform fighter goes so hard. Not getting a full score because unlocking everything is hell on earth (seriously screw the DIO unlocks) I would kill for a good ROM hack that adds Chainsaw Man or Jujutsu Kaisen characters

Highly enjoyed. Great combat with lots of moves bogged down somewhat by sluggish movement. I enjoyed the great characters brought to life through great vocal performances, fun boss fights, and stellar pixel art. If you're looking for a quick game to play, consider giving this a try

This review contains spoilers

After binging the 3DS SMT games and the modern Persona trilogy during lockdown, I went into this game expecting an amazing experience. However, what I got was a middle of the road experience.
Combat is very fun. It's the classic SMT press turn combat system. One thing against it is the magatsuhi system. You have a small meter, and once it fills up you can do a certain effect such as healing or a big attack. The issue comes with the first one you get being guaranteed critical hits for that turn, and you probably won't switch to anything else for your playthrough. Demon fusion is extremely fun here. It has a great variety of demons to choose from, doing sidequests to get more special demons is always enjoyable. A great new mechanic is the demon source system, where demons can give you their source, which lets you give their moves to either yourself or other demons. This allows for even more customization and keeping certain demons long past the point of their supposed irrelevance.
Exploration is enjoyable. While many were against the more open world design compared to the more confined dungeons of previous games, I personally liked exploring the world and fighting demons within. One thing I would have liked to see is areas with stronger demons in opening areas, which would encourage players to go back and explore the maps. (Although there is an example of this if you go for the true ending) However, there is only one true SMT style dungeon within the game, and having one in between each larger hub world would be great.
The story is without a doubt the worst aspect of this game. Plot is explained in large text dumps in between hub areas, subplots such as Sahori and Yuzuru's sister don't really end up leading anywhere, and the game keeps making nods and hints towards Nocturne only to not do anything with them. The games alignment reps are some of the weakest in the series, with making the Law rep the boisterous and naïve personality usually reserved for Chaos, and Chaos being the quiet and collected personality of Law. Unfortunately, neither ends up really fleshed out nor do the rest of the demons except for Abdiel, who goes through an interesting Arc about truly accepting God's death. But overall, the story left me unsatisfied.
Overall, if you go in looking for a good gameplay experience you will probably be left satisfied, but the weakness of the story prevents me from giving a higher score

It's early days so far, but It's very enjoyable. While the roster needs some balancing issues seeing as Velma and Bugs are clearly dominating the meta, I have hope the devs are able to pull it off. Gameplay wise, it's a lot more floaty than Smash Bros, with quicker aerial movement. The emphasis on 2v2 gameplay is also an interesting take on the genre, with some characters being support to help allies and some being tanks to shield enemy hits. The toast system helps with this, to encourage friendly games, and I can honestly say the games is a blast with friends. The game is also charming in its animations and roster. The games artstyle managed to blend Finn, Arya Stark, and Batman into one style and make it look cohesive. Alongside that, characters also interact with each other more, such as Garnet supporting the other characters after a win or Arya showing a more brutal nature after she gets knocked out, which is something smash doesn't do. The one thing I will knock the game for is it's monetization practices. The game itself is free, so will be making money through the purchase of glemium, the premium currency of the game. Cosmetics are unlocked using this method, as well as packs coming with character tokens to instantly unlock characters. The only character you can permanently get for free is Wonder Woman, with the rest of the cast being on free rotation until you get the money to unlock them permanently, which takes a long time. The game lets you try out every character in training mode for free, however. The other part of the characters is the perks and level system. Every character individually levels up as you play them, unlocking perks for things like decreased damage or increased knockback. While customizing characters is fun, it discourages experimenting with new characters due to how long it takes to get them up to speed.
Overall, the game looks very promising, and I'm looking forward to what the game will become
(P.S make season 2 Regular Show)