Fun medium length first person action game with a sprinkle of horror and a so-so storyline. While I wouldn't call the combat really comparable to a true first person shooter, the gradual progression of skills make you eventually feel quite formidable in a fight, and the main powers serve their combat roles well enough to not feel old for the length of this (10-15 hour) game. Having said all that, I think my opinion would be significantly more negative if the dodge and from-the-air combat and stealth abilities weren't available, which apparently they weren't before later updates/DLC.

A fantastically designed boss rush game with an amazing art style and soundtrack to boot. I'm not one to typically like difficult games, but this one just hits different. The rapid restart and weapon variety helps a lot too. I think almost anyone could get into this one with some patience, as once you learn patterns you can somewhat easily beat (but maybe not perfect) most bosses. There's a handful of bosses or phases that have elements of RNG that can be frustrating, but generally these are signaled well enough that you learn those as well. A borderline must-play, unless you absolutely hate side-scrollers or bullet hell games.

Interesting setting, visuals, and concepts. A top-down action game with some decent interaction-emphasized combat that calls back to Prince of Persia; whip around poles, wall-jump into strong attacks, and unleash wide area power attacks. There is even some weapon variety with melee and ranged attacks.

However, there are issues too. I ran into multiple progress halting bugs, one where the game wouldn't recognize a required input and a second where a battle area refused to spawn the next wave of enemies. Also, the game relies HEAVILY on dodges, which isn't inherently bad if not for things like finishers leaving you vulnerable and dodge timing (there's a one-two-three element to dodge animations) being important.

Might pick this back up eventually, but having to reboot the game three times in the span of an hour makes me wary to continue.

Fun "adult" (bloody and drug-fueled) beat-em-up.

Good humor, only serviceable gameplay.

Very minor issues with slow-to-appear map and a couple tricky sections, but rarely if ever does challenge feel like the game being unfair. Beautiful storybook graphics, moving soundtrack, emotional story, excellent movement mechanics.

Really enjoyable rhythm music game.

Simplistic game where you control a growing (or shrinking) group of animal rioters taking down a regime in various cities. Enjoyable and relatively chill and comfy.


Excellent, but very much a Streets of Rage game. Can be played in one (long-ish) sitting with replays only done to unlock retro characters or score rush.


Like the style, music, setup, but game feels aimless. A new Jet Set Radio this isn't.

Funny and charming, but tedious after the initial curiosity rubs off.

Decent fun top-down SHMUP. Grindy goals to progress through levels (kill certain % of enemies, no damage, collectibles) made me lose interest.

Fantastic short top-down action game/dungeon crawler. Great pixel graphics, soundtrack, difficult but not unfair and satisfying combat.

Many small annoying issues: identifying where you're being shot from, visually boring and non-distinct weapons, and mixed bag story. The first third is outright boring, many beats are over the top without feeling like being so adds anything to the actual narrative, just craziness for its own sake. But decent. Played on game pass, so not too upset by it being so-so.