Addictive fast paced goodness. I didn't finish it on switch, but I may revisit it on PC, where I think it's better with Keyboard and Mouse.

Played on Linux PC and Playstation 4

One of my favorites, I 100%ed it two times. Still maybe the best looking game I know graphically, especially on PC with screen space global illumination.

Now, I am the kind of person who has 100%ed every Far Cry game. So to no one's surprise, this game had me hooked. It's an addictive loop of traveling a gorgeous open world to upgrade your tools and complete missions for a decent cast of characters. Our main character Deacon is very enjoyable company.

When traveling with the super satisfying bike, the world is set up similar to Far Cry 5, there's always something happening which demands your attention.

Like many have said, it's a synthesis of The Last Of Us plus Far Cry. I get why many think it's mediocre, but this is 100% my jam, I was mercilessly trapped in many hour sessions both times I played it.

I think I played this 3 times.

Still looks great while being a bit old, and the gameplay of managing resources and shooting the right parts of enemies, was really fun. Been a while since I played it, but I know for a fact it was great.

Essentially Dead Space 1 but refined mechanics. I remember the story being quite interesting and confusing.

Played many times when I was younger. I remember it being really fun and atmospheric. It never scared me, but was sometimes quite depressing in it's atmosphere.

Hard to describe game. Indirectly became really personal and made me think of a lot of stuff. Was obsessed with it for a while. Not for the game itself, but what it made me feel.

I would need a 1 hour video essay to describe it.

Played on Linux

Got this in a random Humble Bundle. Short and sweet satisfying game that is easy to digest and also perhaps a anti-depressant.

More of that DOOM 3 goodness, but with Super Shotgun and a gravity gun gimmick. More of the good stuff and short & sweet.

Played on Linux PC

It's DOOM but with a irresistible haunting atmosphere and more maze-like level design.

It's all good and fun, except I easily get lost and the puzzles are not well communicated sometimes. This just made me quit, despite it otherwise being a good game. It's another form of DOOM, not by necessity worse or better, if you enjoy mazes or figure things out better than me.

Played on Linux PC and Switch

One of my favorite games. There isn't much I can say that isn't already well known. It's a deadly game of chess that requires more than your usual FPS reflexes of shoot and hide, it's captivating as can be.

I got it on the switch as well just to see the amazing tech run on that device. This was probably a waste of money.

Played on Linux

Nice boomer shooter with some more modern mechanics like dashing and upgrade systems.


Top tier boomer shooting. The game that helped start the craze, and made me a veteran of the genre.

Non-stop satisfying zombie bashing and open world exploration. Even despite it's age, Dying Light still has one of the best looking and convincing post-apocalyptic city environments.

The melee combat is timeless, it was so fun to try out different weapons.

More of that Dying Light goodness, but in a less urban setting and with vehicles. Despite being DLC, it could very well be it's own game.

Trippy and memorable story

So it was a fun but somewhat frustrating extra mode. Fun combat and all, just found myself needing to cheese enemies all the time, and it was super bland compared to the main campaign.

Still, it could be a fun side distraction from the campaign, where you can actually get some weapons from the DLC into the actual world.

Played on Linux

More of the same from Dying Light, but that's what I'm all about. Top tier zombie bashing and open world exploration again. I found that it isn't any better or worse than the first game, they both compliment each other. Not to mention how Techland keeps supporting and updating these games way after release.

I played with RTX global illumination... and it looks so good. Truly transformative.