This is hands down one of the best Mario games, heck, best Nintendo games ever made. If you liked either of the Galaxy games, you're going to love it.

This game did something to me. It was so good. And the MUSIC. God, the music is amazing.

I've never been so scared of the ocean. But, once you get spooked by a reaper leviathan a couple of times, it definitely loses some of the scare factor and just becomes another survival "horror" game. Still pretty fun though.

Kinda cool that you can play from both Claire's and Leon's perspective. After playing RE7, I didni't know what to expect but, this was super cool.

This was fantastic. Hit me right in the feels and broke my heart.


I mean, it's more Animal Crossing. My only criticism is that the tools breaking was the worst part of Breath of the Wild and they brought it here for some reason. Otherwise it's pretty much perfect.

I don't know if I'll ever finish it but, what I have played is just so much fun.

I mean, it's Stardew Valley. What can I say that hasn't already been said?

If only battle royales hadn't taken off like they did, maybe Save the World would've survived.

Oh my god, this game is so much freaking fun. Especially with your spouse/significant other. So funny, great storytelling, and great gameplay.

Come on Todd, this is your big new IP? Yikes...
It's just so boring and empty. Why the heck can't I just fly from planet to planet? No Man's Sky did it!