You will definitely laugh playing this game! The AI is too stupid sometimes, but in general, a good game.

Cute and relaxing. It's addictive! You start walking through the world, seeing beautiful landscapes, meet new types of slimes and animals. The background story is cute too!!! READ THE EMAILS

Pretty fun with friends, you'll play for 1h/2h and drop and get back some weeks or months later. Chaos is frequent too, It's really good

The story of this game is really good, the open world, the poker stuff, etc. But I just don't give it 5 stars cause of the 9784215 bugs and crashing I had while playing it. After all, It's still bugsoft

I just played the story mode and 2 local fights, but I'm gonna focus on the story mode, and no I didn't play the online stuff. It's a bunch of cutscenes with an okay plot and obviously: a fight. But it has a serious problem! The difficulty gets higher through the chapters, what it means if u put it on a medium level, like me, at the end you'll have a hardmode fight and will have to lose 3 times until u get it right. Also, there are 12 chapters with about 10/9 characters you'll have to stop and learn their combos, so, m a y b e It'll be even more difficult. In general, an okay game, if you have it on your backlog, give it a try, but It's not something I'd recommend you to buy

With the workshop this game has, It's impossible not to give it 5 stars. It's a fair price to play literally any board or card game. War, the game of life, monopoly, uno, cards against humanity, ANYTHING!!! Also, It has a tablet where you can use the internet inside the game with your friendos. I watched a barbie movie with it once.


I loved the game art and the level design, It's pretty cool. It gets waaaay harder than it looks, trust me. The story is okay, kinda cute at the end

A really fair price, if you just have a few coins lasting. It's definitely not a Forza Horizon, need for speed or whatever. It is fun indeed, kinda hard to get 3 stars in some levels, but it can get kinda repetitive. I just didn't go through all the levels cause I have other things to play.

I remember when I asked my parents to buy it... They bought it, but then they saw the 18+ symbol and took it away. A few years later they returned it to me, It was amazing. The pinnacle of graphics, I had visual orgasms seeing the ocean of this game in 2015.

Well, after this great story I'll say It's still a great game to try in 2023. You will have fun a way or another. You can cause chaos, you can install mods, try out racing missions, appreciate the story or just rob a car and drive through this AMAZING map.

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This one is a must-play, even if you're not a puzzle game person, cause I wasn't either till I played it. And differently of the first game, the replayability is higher cause of the coop. The coop is perfect, It's basically an online portal 3, cause It's kinda of a continuation of the game in itself.

Is it worth it playing it in 2023? IF you have a big group of friends, maybe, but honestly, there are best party games than this. Try an overcooked 2, a jackbox party pack or something else

Just a reminder: I'm not an open world rpg specialist, just an honest opinion of a moron

This is an amazing game. I never used the carriages to get to another city cause I wanted to walk and see the BEAUTIFUL landscapes and structures this games has. It's fun to explore and see every small detail this game can offer. Like when I was cleaning my inventory and I dropped a sword I wasn't using anymore and a guard stopped me and said: HEY, DON'T LEAVE IT HERE, SOMEONE CAN STEP ON IT

I found out you can marry, have a house and adopt a kid in this and I was like w o w. Also you'll have eargasms with the music of this game. Secunda is probably my favorite song. When I was in a lonely night, walking through the snow and the harp was just there keeping me company.

I did the main story and some secondary missions, but the story of this game is way deeper than just this. So deep you're gonna find a playlist of 3 videos of 8 hours each to explain everything to you

Yes, It has a bunch of bugs, but It's definitely not something huge, trust me

"oh, this game is good, but not a five stars" "It's just a copy of harvest moon"

MAN, THIS GAME WAS MADE BY JUST 1 GUY. The songs, the story of each characters, all the pixel arts, the programming, e v e r y t h i n g. It's a fun game, all updates add a bunch of stuff, the creator hears the players concerns.

On my first try, I didn't see why this game was soo hyped, but then I gave it a second try and tadaaa, more than 200 hours in it. It's chill, relaxing and great to get to understand all the gossip that runs in the village.

Just buy it, It's not that expensive

After I achieved more than 600h in this game, I have the right to demand you to buy it. "It's a garbage minecraft" MY WHITE ASS IT IS!!! You have more than 3000 items than minecraft, 34 bosses and great battles.

They are both sandboxes, they are both great, and as someone that spent hours of his life playing both, They're definetily have not the same purpose.

It's cheaper than It should be, buy it and give it a REAL try