Sometimes I’m the best player ever and sometimes i can’t drive for shit. Either way, the best racing game ever.

I did return it at first, but came back. I think it deserved the bad press it got at first, but definitely came back and became overhated. It's a very solid game with cool systems, a pretty world, and fun combat.

Play it if you love Monster Hunter. If you wanna actually enjoy yourself, play World or Rise.

Not a single miss with new monsters, they all look cool as hell. And just like Iceborne, Capcom again sets the bar for how much content should be in a DLC.

Wirebugs are very fun to use and the overall speed and mobility of combat is a cool change for the series. This game also introduces some really cool new monsters. Overall, though, it feels a little empty after World.

Very average, definitely a step up after Curse of Osiris but nothing special.

Nioh with Sekiro combat. It's good.

Definitely the best soulslike game. Very reminiscent of the Souls games if you like them but also plenty to make it feel unique and completely different.

Fun with a friend but still pretty bad

Solid but a step down from Three Houses in most ways

Crazy how this was so big and then just died

The greatest comeback of all time

Very good, would be even better if I was good at it.