the whole game is pretty difficult, but mid-lategame is almost unfairly hard. the rest of the game's difficulty is hard but manageable, though

wily capsule 7 one of the most dogshit bosses in dis series, tears in my eyes

play the vega minus version it's so much better


the rush adapters carry this game

there's a very good reason NoA rejected the fuck out of this game

pouring one out for showderp as i speak. the good always die too young

this was made in one week by some freshly-hired inti creates employee who just did a shitload of crack and was told about mega man 2, bottomless pits, and instadeath spikes for the first time all in a row

made my dick hard enough to cut glass can't wait until it's finished

this game is probably the best megaten i've played

now the story is kinda mediocre but i don't come to megaten for the story i do it because gameplay is very cool and awesome

and this game's gameplay is very cool and awesome, there are two gripes i have though

1. map is kinda dogwater but it only gets annoying in like the third area
2. new game+ options are gimped back to IV's shitty options instead of the wide variety of options there were in strange journey redux

that's about it the rest of the game cums and i can die happy after hearing the million fucking amazing battle themes in this game

did the first section of this game while high but somehow doing the last section while sober was just as mindblowing

Did You Know Gaming?: doki doki panic isn't real. it was super mario bros 2 the whole time and you've been tricked. please wake up

this game makes me really angry, they took SO many steps back from zero 3 and you can really tell they were forced by capcom to churn this one out

the most effort that seems to have been put in was for the amazing ending (which prevents this game from being entirely a waste) and the music (which genuinely ranks among the best mega man soundtracks, imo)

the best 3D mario game, shame nintendo didn't put it in 3D all-stars