Upon completion , the satisfaction that you feel, the sheer euphoria of it outweights any frustration i might´ve felt, and that´s the point of this game. Getting over it, may it be insurmountable obstacles here or in real life.
That with enough practice , if you push through it in certain ways and with the right mindset you can do it. The game´s narrator and the soundtrack that he plays reinforce these ideias. It´s a game with a simple and clear objective and i think it suceeds in that ordeal more than it fails.
Another thing i like is how after beating it , it becomes way easier and if you keep doing it, it becomes shockingly simple to beat. For the negatives , the orange section and some parts afterwards felt super annoying since i felt like i needed to align the hammer pixel perfect, even thought after doing it once or twice , it became quite simple.
It´s not a game for everyone but for anyone in the right mindset and state of mind, you can indeed conquer it.
For anyone who did, you beat the game and rose above the mountain and for that all i have to say is, i´m glad you did or i´m glad you came.

It´s a good game overall. At first i wasn´t that big of a fan but it grew on me, the pixel art and music are really good , the combat is simple but intuitive and it has a lot of twists.
Halfway it transitions into a metroidvania, with a lot of backtracking ( that enphasize the problems with traversal, since the fast travel is restrictive) but i did enjoy it overall.
The writting really added to the game and the twist, they are honestly a part of why i enjoyed it as much as i do. Especially when 4th wall breaking humor can be a little too intrusive sometimes.

I´m just disappointed, this had so much potential. And then they decided the time travelling , spoiler inducing parts was the best way to go about "changing" or "expanding" the source material. The combat is awesome, the music is awesome, the cutscenes are awesome and the characters are incredible as well. They nail everything, and then they decide to add unnecessary fluff, just to padd the game. The game constantly fights itself, between padded crap and fun scenarios from the original. Not to say the new stuff is completely bad, but the ones that are good additions are few, and the other fun additions add nothing to the plot. Don´t even get me started on the finale, they just go off the rails and decide to do the most random stuff possible. That being said, i hope rebirth is better even with some changes to the overall plot.

Replaying the game, i still feel a lot of the same issues.
I really respect the ideia and the questioning of what should a sequel or a remake be? or what defines a remake ? or even questions about free will , by the characters, but was this the best way to go about and if so , why final fantasy 7? Clearly that was not the intention of the original director, and if you are going to change the product of the original then at least do it with your own work .
But it´s fine, since the original still exists even though dated i guess, good game overall even though it draggs a lot and it isn´t a remake , more so a reimagining of final fantasy 7 and from the title screen that´s not what i wanted or expected .
All things considered i can be sad about what it could´ve been or enjoy it for what is it while complementing the original, but i still feel disappointment.


I wish i had more to say about this game. It´s beautiful in every sense of the word, depicting gorgeous scenarious and vistas across the whole game. Showing the 5 stages of grief while regaining the majesty along the way , indicated by the colours.
Unfortunately the gameplay isn´t really captivating, and that´s the point, the target audience is people who are experiencing grief. Given that im not the target demographic that part was shallow for me , the soundtrack is really good as well.
What can i say more, it´s art design is phenomenal and the music is great, but the gameplay isn´t the best, hope i like it more when i eventually replay it a few years down the line.

I feel really conflicted on this game. On one hand it´s amazing, a phenomenal and truly magical experience with a sense of wonder that is unmatched in relation to most games. But on the other hand, it feels kinda underwhelming.
I was one of those people that wanted this game to carve his own identity , and fixing botws problems , but it´s botw 2, which is fine, but not exactly what i wanted. It fixed some of botw problems by expanding on the gameplay loops, but the combat is basically the same, which isn´t great. The enemy variety is barely improved, because they use it soo much across the game, that it ends up feeling samey. The sky and the depths at first were a joy to explore, with everything i wanted, but as the game went on , those became less interesting, since the same things started being reused again and again.But they were still fun, as for the overworld, it´s ok, i rushed botw so i don´t really know if they did a good job remixing it or not, i did like seeing the changes, but in some places it felt like there was less there than in botw, like the shrine of resurrection or the forgotten temple. Most of this games problems stem from the fact that it´s too reliant on botw, like the story structure, that doesn´t work at all for this game, or the doubled down , handholding of the story in regards to the dungeons. It becomes kinda predictable knowing that korok seeds and shrines are the only thing that mostly ocupies the world. Shrines are much better this time around, even if repetitive , they are very fun. Speaking of which the abilities and the physic system are awesome, but the drawback is that it makes designing complex dungeons or puzzles very complicated.
Building vehicles is fun but very restrictive due to the piece requirement. The dungeons are ok for the most part, the fire temple was very good , even though it was easily cheesable (but it is a guilty pleasure to cheat ) , the desert temple was fun as well , the others were ok ( the water temple kinda sucks).
I love this game, even though it has many flaws , the intro and the end are the highlights of the game, and it made me appreciate this game much more, It also made me appreciate botw a lot more. It´s hard to strike a balance between criticizing and praising, in order to express your thoughts and feelings , but ultimately , despite it all it´s manages to be one of my favorite games of all time.

At the time of writting this, i have only done the main ending which felt a little abrupt since i thought i had a lot to do still, and i have, but doing the other endings is too much work so i´m finishing my journey there for now or forever idk.
But yeah this game is impeccable, the incredible world, the artstyle , the combat the bosses, the progression it all felt incredible from beginning to end. The boss runbacks where annoying and 1 or 2 bosses are frustratingly hard which i imagine in the pantheons is more of that so more reason to leave my playthrough there. I recommend this game a lot, there is nothing much to say

I wasn´t expecting to beat this so fast as i did, but yeah, this is a great dlc , much better than the other one, the exploration was fun even if i thought the area could´ve been better it was really great to traverse, the bosses are the peak of the series (not counting sekiro) .
Not much to say about this one, this is an incredible send-off to the dark souls series.

My first time experiencing this dlc and it´s good-ish enough, the exploration and level design although still not the best in the series it was good, i liked the npcs, but even then the enemies are so annoying, and it felt a little bland. The truly incredible thing about this short dlc is Sister Friede, what an incredible boss.

This is a banger game, but i was not enjoying it at first.
My biggest problems with it were the kinda lackluster story, the limited traversal , the sort of bland areas and the limited moveset of nero in the early levels . But as it went on , it got better and better to the point were those issues either got fixed or stopped bothering me ( the story was still nothing special but it was enjoyable). With a good soundtrack that apart from the standouts i have trouble remembering most songs , but the bosses were amazing and it has one of the best combats in all of video games.
It´s amazing what can i say.

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I don´t need to inform that this is a good game, it absolutely deserved game of the year, what a phenomenal experience.

So for starters the areas are great, although some are annoying they feel so rewarding after you beat them, the movement system and exploration are really good. The soundtrack is amazing, and i really like the story even though kinda convoluted to understand at first.
For negatives i don´t have a lot, the enemie variety is lacking and they reuse some areas, but when they repeat it , it feels really clever and never really bothers you. My real annoyance is that i didn´t know where to go at some point , so i wandered around for an hour, but turns out i just needed to talk to an npc and the boss would be available, and that was kinda dumb, because i had no ideia about it (but it´s a minor issue in the end so i will ignore it) .
Some people say the build variety is a negative and it feels restrictive, and that´s the point and with that we move to the combat which is peak videogame combat for me.
In sekiro you get better by parrying and understanding the games systems and no other way. Can´t parry too bad, practice it or use some of the games systems to it´s fullest and this is where the bosses come in, because they teach you what you need to now so well. The bosses are fantastic, i personally didn´t enjoy the Monkey duo and The demon of hatred was kinda frustrating but all of the others are incredible.
So in short it´s one of my favorite games of all time, i love the bosses , areas and it posses the most addicting combat system to master that i have witnessed in a video game so if it isn´t obvious already, i absolutely recommend this if you are into hard games (it´s very duable but it depends if you like this sort of experience).

Even though this collection isn´t anything special , and nintendo just did shaddy practices, i will overlook that and give my overly conscious review of the games.

So the games are good, they are fun, i recommend them( that is if you can get this collection anyways, this is overpriced, but the review coming up is me trying to understand why i don´t really adore these games.)

That being said, i don´t personally like them as much as i thought i would, yes they were fun and interesting , but they never hooked me. Which is weird, i really thought these games would make me finish them and get all the stars, but that never happened.

So Mario 64, the one that pioneered the genre , it was fun but very frustrating to deal with, the camera and the controls, after pushing through it i reached the 70th star, was about to do bowser and lost my save so r.i.p.

Sunshine has my favorite movement system of the bunch but still didn´t hook me. Galaxy is my favorite of them all, the ideias and the soundtrack are the best ones, and the gameplay is really nice, but i felt like the grind for the stars wasn´t worth it.
I´m repeating myself a lot, but that´s for myself to understand why i didn´t really enjoy these as much as i thought i would , so the lives system isn´t my favorite, the star system is a very clever way of using resources and getting the most out of the levels , but they usually drained me so much i didn´t want to keep playing and for me it felt arbitrary to get all the stars.

Uh this might be my worst review ever but i just felt guilty over not liking to death these classics, i could´ve finished them and maybe i will in the future, but will my time pushing through it really be worth it?, really make me feel better?
Idk, but the answer for now is probably not.

I don´t have much to say about this one, it was fun but nothing groundbreaking.
Still a good game.


A gorgeously artistic game , the gameplay is nothing special, and the camera annoyed me a bit, but you surely wouldn´t play these sorts of games for the gameplay, they are more experiences than anything.
I recommend it .

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I finally played this game, it was on my backlog for almost two years and now that i played it i think it´s good.
The game is too flawed to be considered a masterpiece, it´s the game that revolutionized open worlds, but playing this after experiencing Elden Ring earlier this year, it´s quite underwhelming compared to it.
So for starters, the best hours are the first ones, where you are still learning , but over the course of the game , you start to see the flaws in the open world.
So the open world after a while will start to feel boring, because the enemie variety is so lackluster , the shrines aren´t complex or interesting most of the time, korok seeds are fun but still not enough to make the world better. The side quests are mostly fetch quests which are of course not great. The enemie balancing is not great in the slightest, the combat is fun and incentivizes experimentation, but the weapon durability is so rigid that you end up dodging combat.
The Divine beasts are ok at best, they are boring , not complex and most of the bosses are underwhelming ,
Calamity ganon is a great boss in the first phase , but in the second phase he is a joke, which makes the ending feel unsatisfying.
All things considered i still loved this game, even though it´s very flawed, the atmosphere , traversal and the sheikah slate powers, and the physics and the temperature are my favorite parts of the game, which made the experience worthwile.
So in summary, very cool and flawed game but i heard Tears of the kingdom is better in almost every way, and it improves the experience of tears of the kingdom.

I went into this expecting a fun time , and got an incredibly well written story, with two great protagonists.
I don´t have much to criticize about the experience , but i do have some stuff that i had issues with. So for starters the combat gets kinda repetitive in the end of the game , some enemies were obnoxious ( the gun enemies in particular) , the side content messes with the pace of the game and has a lot of back and forths ( but they are really funny so i will forgive that). The money being both currency and xp is kinda weird as well.
All things considered, one of my favorite games I would say, too much fun, recommend a lot .