72 Reviews liked by DaleBastion

Kuja's battle theme goes so hard when you first heard it in an RPGmaker Sonic fangame you played when you were like 8 and permanently associate it with said fangame

Jared Petty’s Top 100 #100:
I thought this an incredibly fun two player time with my sister. Unfortunately, at level 57 we got stuck and couldn’t go further, so I think we are going to leave it there.



The "My name is Ozymandius, king of kings" poem except replace being king of kings with being one of the biggest poster children of the then booming indie game market and replace the kingdom being reduced to just two pillars with the game's legacy being reduced to Soulja Boy jokes and Jonathan Blow constantly coming up with new ways to be a reactionary shithead

You will see merch for none of this shit at nintendo world

good remake, but i platinumed this for my ex boyfriend. he cheated on me.

once when i was like 11 or 12 or something i was at this christian summer camp and some kid was being mean to me and making fun of me etc and i got mad and picked up a small rock from the ground and threw it at his back and a bunch of camp counselors saw and i got in trouble and one of the counselors sat me down and said what i did wasnt very christ like and made me feel guilty about it and i cried about it all day. and then for about a week or two i tried to atone for my sins by reading the bible but it was the old timey king james translation and it didnt really make sense to me so i gave up and became an atheist. so i relate to james in that sense

You can see this was a rail shooter originally

It is a timeless classic, one of the best turn-based strategy RPGs, which is still worth playing today also because of its deeply mature and well-curated storyline. The improvements made, starting with the graphical revamp to go into more detail in aspects of gameplay and overall experience, make it a new game in some ways, but never far from its roots. The difficulty of the battles inevitably leads to a loop whereby you train up to the level cap and then continue with the story, and there is no denying that this mechanic slows down progression, but the pace is still more brisk than in the past. If on the surface it does not deviate from the many strategy games out there, where it shines is in highly refined micro-management that, now more than ever, allows us to experiment and be in control of almost every aspect to shape our adventure.

If David Cage has 10,000 haters I am one of them.
If David Cage has 100 haters I am one of them.
If David Cage has 1 hater that is me.
If David Cage has 0 haters I am dead.

they spent all their time and money making the animatronics sexy instead of making a good game.

no amount of bug fixes can turn this into something worth while, it's a fundamentally awful video game.