I liked it but I didn't have any desire to finish finish the game.

If the game only had its quality judged based on a first playthrough itd be a 5 star but it loses like half of its charm after the first time.

Good game on the first run, but it is very short and leaves no desire to play through again

top 1 game of all time this shit is super based

Good game with a great premise for a party game but it entirely depends on your friend group playing for the amount of enjoyment you get out of it.

The game just sucks you in for months and just immerses you in these extremely personalized worlds and stories that you create for yourself.

Great game that I owe my entire social life to but man the online makes me want to do horrible things.

really great game with amazing movement and combat. I wish there was just more of the game to go around. Story, and collectables are both lacking in quantity.

The game is good and has enjoyable world design, but the overall movement feels so much more restrictive than every other 3d mario game

top 5 game of all time for me. The exploration and immersion really sucked me in to the point where my girlfriend got mad at me for ignoring her for days at a time.

It is a game that I had fun with.

I think this game gets a lot of shit for things that don't deserve it. The game and levels are really fun, and the blue coin hunting is really enjoyable as long as you have a guide with you. The only big issue I have with this game is that the game is branded as a sandbox 3d platformer, but the condition for game completion is beating all the levels off of a list.

The game lacked content at release and still appears to have many of the major issues that plagued it. I invested way too many hours into the game until I realized how anti-user the content was and how it was designed to keep you there and make your playing experience as slow as possible. It gets 2/5 stars because it kept me playing as long as it did, but man does this game hate its players.

Beat the game back in 2018 and had an absolute blast - I need to come back and play it again to get the most accurate review but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Game is pretty fun but its flaws are pretty well documented. It is pretty fun, but could definitely be more fun than it is.