Spider-Man PS4 was an amazing game. Mechanically it was incredibly impressive, the gameplay was great and the story is up there with the best stories about the web-head in recent years. They didn't even need to include the teasers to get everyone hyped for the sequel, so when I saw this trailer in the Sony presentation, I was stoked.

Now, let's be clear: this is not the sequel to Spider-Man. Still, it is also not just a simple DLC. It's short, yes (I beat the New Game + doing only the story in 4 hours) but I'd say it's more of a Spider-Man 1.5 instead of a DLC. It's similar to how Captain America Civil War can be seen as Avengers 2.5 if you get what I'm saying.

Now, about the game itself. It's really freaking awesome actually! Spider-Man PS4 was had a very good formula and Insomniac followed it, adding a few spices along the way. Of course, Miles has a few more abilities than his mentor Peter, in that he has the ability to channel bio-electricity in his attacks and he can turn invisible. Both of these abilities translate to a more interesting and different approach to multiple parts of the game. Venom is usually used in combat, since Miles doesn't really have access to all the gadgets that Spider-Man has. It's one of the few areas of the game you could say is a downgrade of the original, but at the same time it makes sense in the narrative and the Venom attacks are incredibly satisfying to use.

The invisibility also definitely comes into play. In combat, disappearing before the enemies eyes will startle them, giving you an opportunity to attack and it's very useful in stealth too. I think I managed to clear most of the hideouts and missions stealthily already and the invisibility only made that better.

The story is fine. It's quite short and not as emotionally investing as the first one but in the time it gets it manages to put down something that is still emotionally engaging and really solidifies Miles's character for the later games. I can not wait to play more.

Great game, 8/10.

Be yourself and have a wonderful day.

Undertale is simply one of those games that I played when I needed it most. It has helped me through tough spots and managed to be such a source of comfort through its incredible atmosphere, created by the beautiful sprites, music and delightful characters. The story is one that I could never forget and it makes Undertale into what is to this day, one of my favorite games ever made...

Genuinely a really fun game. The gameplay is fun and the ship customization adds a lot to me personally. I like stuffing my cockpit with figurines and little holograms of something like the Death Star.

The story is fun enough, kind of like something you'd find in a limited comic run but it's fun seeing both the Empire and Rebels perspective play out. It's also cool to see Hera Syndulla in a more realistic way, and the characters the story mode introduces are actually quite interesting. It's still nothing special, just a neat thing.

The multiplayer is kind of eh for me. I've not really played it that much, since I don't really like doing multiplayer alone and I feel like this'd be so much more fun with friends. Still, the gameplay is solid and I really like that we got this smaller but fun title. Hope we see more of this in the future!

Full review: https://dunke.nl/the-guardians-of-the-galaxy-game-rocks-review/

Guardians of the Galaxy is the biggest surprise of this year to me and a serious GOTY contender. While it’s still a little buggy at times, the decent gameplay, greatly fleshed out characters and fun but heavy-hitting story make this an incredible game for both fans of the Marvel universe, and Guardians specifically too, and people who just want a fun adventure game set in space.

This is what Watch Dogs Legion should've been in total. It has an actually engaging narrative and even though the characters are from older games I just cared about them. The play as anyone feature in the original game is cool but having a cast of characters just makes it that much more fun to play through.


The combat is fun and customizable, the nemesis system works pretty well and there are some really cool Story moments. The ending of the game does leave a poor taste however, due to a very grindy endgame and a story that is not nearly as compelling as any of Tolkien’s books.

Full review: https://dunke.nl/middle-earth-shadow-of-war-review/


I played through the entirety of this in one night, expecting Morgan Freeman to show up and tell me about the ocean.

Screw you, Dunkey.

This game could be a real blast, if it wasn't for the slow progression and unlocking of cosmetics. Matches themselves feel really stale because there's no music or something like that hyping you up, just sounds of cars and cheering. It'd be the perfect game for a really fun and funky soundtrack but it's beyond me how we hear nothing of it. Maybe it's better with friends, I don't know. But at least an overhaul of the progression system and adding music to matches could kick this up to at least a 7/10.

Full review: https://dunke.nl/kingdom-hearts-i-magical-but-flawed-review/

Overall though, I had a ton of fun with this game. While I am planning on playing the entire series, this first game had a great feeling of simplicity and fun, especially in the first half. While not everything was as polished as I had hoped, I can easily see why this game is so beloved by many and it might still be up there with some of my favorites.

Such a blast! I got this game in a bundle with my PS5, and holy crap it really does seem to be one of the best showcases of what this console is capable of. Both in the department of graphics and gameplay it's incredible. I'm sure you've already heard this before but this game really looks like a Pixar movie in terms of quality.

The story is simple but told very cutely. I think if you've played the 2016 game you'll know exactly what you're in for, and I don't say that as a bad thing. It's not a very long game (I played on Hard Mode and while taking my time it took me roughly 12 hours to beat) but it is back to back quality and fun. This game is just a whole lot of fun. The new and returning characters were also great, namely in the alternate duo to Ratchet and Clank, that being Rivet and Kit. These characters get a lot of time and love which is why I would definitely like to see a game fully centering on them. Also the game is just genuinely quite funny. It's corny and doesn't take itself too seriously but it does so with pride, which makes it so fun to play.

The gameplay is also pretty damn great. It's everything that worked about the 2016 Ratchet and Clank, and then some more. You'll be teleporting around using rifts, dashing and jumping out of the way of enemy projectiles while you're shooting back with your insane arsenal of weapons. Every weapon has its own quirk and that's also where the adaptive triggers of the Dualsense controller come in. Both this and the haptic feedback feel great. While I definitely found myself using certain weapons more than others because they simply felt more effective, that might be because of the higher difficulty I was playing on.

Rift Apart did still have some goofy technical problems, and while the story was very enjoyable in itself I hoped for a little more craziness but if you have a PS5, I would say this game is a no-brainer. It showcases the capabilities of the console really well. I'm definitely going to try and 100% this at some point when I get rid of more of my backlog!

Well, where to begin...
It's a video game! That's for sure. One where you press buttons and you do things. All kidding aside though, this game was just a whole lot of weird if you ask me. But at least the interesting kind of weird. As is quite obvious by everything surrounding the game, it takes a lot of inspiration from the stories by H.P. Lovecraft. I actually have the collector's edition of this game, which came with a cool bag, some goodies and a book about the man himself. It definitely helped in my enjoyment of the game.

You play as Charles Reed. A private investigator who's continuous visions of a city that's flooding lead him to a small city. Here you are basically running around like a schizophrenic Sherlock Holmes-lite, solving mysteries in exchange for bullets, and doing the same thing to progress the story.

It's not like any other game I've played, that's sure. Though the flow of the game is practically the same for the entire 20 to 25 hours it'll probably take to beat it, the game has a great way of giving you dopamine in that same continuous stream. Once you crack a case, come to a new discovery or just figure out where to go it does feel quite exciting.

Though this is a mystery game, it's a little too predictable if you ask me. And for a game with a huge emphasis on decisions you make, in the end it doesn't really matter. I don't bother myself with that too much. The element of choice in a game is never necessary for me and even though the game tries to give you the feeling all you do will affect the outcome, it's quite easy to see that that's not really the case.

The best part of the game is most definitely the atmosphere. Oakmont is wonderfully depressed and dark, just what you expect from a story like this. The fights with the monsters are always more tedious than scary, because the combat is incredibly simple, but I guess it also does add to the stress it tries to bring over. The longer you look at monsters or disturbing things, the more your sanity bar will drop. This leads to weird and creepy visions which added some more freaky vibes. It's not a scary game though. While some enemies do jump out of nowhere, to me it always felt accidental, so after the initial shock my only thought would be: "can't wait to bash its head in with a shovel".

Still, I found myself having quite a good time with this game. Yes, the gameplay is kind of bland and lacking, the quests all play out basically the same way, but the slight sense of mystery going on in the story, paired with the incredibly well realized world and atmosphere I'd definitely say it's worth a shot. At least if you're a fan of Lovecraft's stories (but without the blatant racism. This game does deal with it but in a much better way that'd probably give good old H.P. a stroke).

such a vibe. i could float around in this game for so long. it really is a very very short hike but an impressive experience for sure. i love it!

This game kicks ass!

Persona 5 Royal is my favorite game ever. I don't make a secret of that. Learning of the existence of this game, which is a spin-off/sequel of sorts was exciting to say the least, but at the time it was only out in Japan. I made a Japanese Nintendo account to try out the demo on switch, but after a while a localization for the west was revealed.

This game picks up in the summer vacation after the original game. And I say original, because the events of the content Royal adds, are not canon to this universe. At least they're never mentioned by the characters. Slight bummer, but the two titles were being developed at the same time and by different studios, so it's definitely understandable. Alongside that I have to say, this game really expects you to have played the original, and I don't think you'll get as much mileage out of it as you can if you have. It's not required, since this narrative is pretty separate, but it does build on a lot of character arcs from the first game and throws terms around that might not make much sense without knowing what they're from. Still though, I think it's decently playable without any prior knowledge.

The gameplay is switched up quite a bit as well. Instead of the usual turn-based combat there is now a more action/warriors-type of combat. You'll be controlling Joker and the party members in real time and mashing buttons to attack wave after wave of shadows and demons. That's not to say it's easy though, and a lot of the elements from the turn-based combat are also implemented, and incredibly well at that! When you want to use a magic attack, the battle pauses so you can select it and see the area it affects. This way you keep the strategy that is present in the other Persona titles. It's very well done.

Overall I'd probably describe this game as kind of a Persona 5 Lite. It's all a bit more streamlined and simpler than the original game, but it works very well. It definitely delivers and feels more like a sequel to P5 than a spin-off. I highly recommend it!

This is my first mainline Megaten game and it really was a ton of fun! I had to grind quite a bit which makes for the fact that I've only just finished it, despite owning the game since release. The combat is fun and engaging because of the press-turn system, which really encouraged building versatile parties to counter certain strengths and weaknesses.

The game can get really tough. Especially in boss-fights I regularly found myself with just a bit too little MP, or I'd get killed in a single round because of a series of unlucky hits. Even after a few hours of grinding you can still die to an enemy critting on every single attack they make.

Not only can you build effective strategies with your team compositions, but also by changing up their move-sets. When fusing demons to fight for you, you can assign them new skills that might not originally be in their list of powers, because you fused it with a certain demon. You can also find essences throughout the world, that let you replace skills and affinities for both your demons and your main character: Nahobino.

Your character is basically a demon that fuses with a human to fight throughout Da'at, also called the Netherworld. It's a big power to have here. The story is definitely there, but wasn't all too compelling to me. I'm sure there's a bunch of symbolism here and thematic stuff, but it didn't fully register with me the first time around. I can definitely see myself playing this again and delving into it further to understand it better though.

On the technical side this game is... okay. Graphically it's fine, but it definitely seemed to take a lot out of my Switch, since it was making a lot of noise at times. Every so often there'll be a dip in framerate, which is especially noticeable during the cutscenes.

All in all though, Shin Megami Tensei V served as a really fun and exciting journey into the franchise I opened the door to with Persona 4 and 5. I'll definitely be playing the other ones as well!