Interesting little Visual Novel.

Absolute Masterpiece. Its THE Metroid experience. Absolute Classic, I love how much sequence breaking there is. Sadly they Toned it down in the later games.

Great Game. Interesting Way to reinterpret the first game.

Bad Game, Great Cutscenes. Thank god Nintendo allowed it to be created. Played through it through the Fan Remake.

Played the Fan Remaster. Still a very bad Game, but the remaster made it at least tolerable and the Cutscenes are so bad they're good. not recommended to play, highly recommended to experience the Cutscenes

Hoo boy. Undertale. An Internet sensation through and through. While it is not the end all be all game some may proclaim, it is a enjoyable through and through.

Absolutely THE must have roguelike Experience. Not only did it basically Pioneer the Genre, it's also one of the best in it.

Its eh. Its a start off, but not a good one. This one hasnt aged very well. Gameplay is very the basic core of an Assassins creed game, with one or 2 tricks, but it never gets really better. Most "cutscenes" are basically audio only, characters only interact by talking. Its the first game of the Series, and it gets better, but man, is this a rough start.

Very Cool DS Puzzle Game. Story had been a joy from beginning to end. Overall a good experience.

Very Fun, Very Fast Paced Action-platformer. Every Gameplay element feels so good and you feel badass doing so. The Story, without saying too much, is also a very enjoyable ride.

One of My Childhood games. Rather short, but a good experience.


What a great game. Robert Belgrade has such a good voice, even if its rather ill fitted for alucard.

Very fun and in my opinion, the best castlevania on the GBA.