Hi-Fi Rush was surprisingly good. I've never played a rhythm game before but I enjoyed it a lot. The visual style and sense of humor helps it stand out for me. The way the game almost seamless shifts between ingame cutscenes and 2D cutscenes is impressive. I like the cuts we get from gameplay to 2D stills seamlessly for impact almost like how 2D animations sometimes hover over certain frames for impact.

The game knows when to be funny and when to just stop and let the gameplay take over. The characters are fun and goofy without being annoying. The story itself isn't anything really special but the characters made it entertaining.

The music goes unimaginably hard. The original tracks are all good and it has an interesting selection of licensed music that manage to fit the scenes where they play very well. It is fitting that the first and last boss fight themes are Nine Inch Nail songs.

My one complaint would be the last fight which somehow fails at two aspects of the gameplay that the game had done so well until that point. The last fight is a mess in terms of visual clarity and audio clarity which is horrible for a rhythm action game. At some point I left that fight to the gods and got through by being lucky. No amount of timing was helping me there. Its a shame because that fight had a lot of potential.

if Baldur's Gate 3 didn't come out in the same year, this would def have been my GOTY for 2023.

So Shadowrun Returns feels like a game made by devs who are making a video game for the first time in their life. The budget is quite clearly not that much and the balancing is just off. Most of the fights are either steamrolling or getting steamrolled. The final fight is one of the few that I think has something going for it.

Despite those issues I think its a good game. The atmosphere is very well done. The music fits the tone. The story was also good tho I wish we had some actual freedom. Its a very linear game due to the low budget.

The setting is def my favorite part of the game. Urban Fantasy and Cyberpunk is an interesting mix.

I like the leveling up system. I made a blaster mage with some investment in rifles and some extra points in charisma. spells are fun to use.

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So from a story perspective I liked it. I do think the abysmal pacing brings it down more than a fair bit. It is pretty nothing for at least half of the game and it only really starts 2/3rds through. Now some stories do start slow or need to take some time to set things up but I don't think P3R's story is one that really needs all that time which is nothing but SOL.
It does use the 'second year of high school environment' well overall tho its not the kind of story I tend to prefer. I'm def not the target audience here.
We see the characters learning to grow and get ready for the future through their experiences while trying to solve the dark hour. The aspect of accepting the transient nature of life while still finding meaning in continuing to persist is not one I was expecting in a high school environment. The game ends up being 'positive nihilism' vs 'straw nihilism'. My favorite parts of the game were probably just after the reveal that the world is ending and it can't be stopped as the characters have to grapple with that apparent fact.

I think the things involving the protagonist could have been better done if they were less of a blank slate. They have some characteristics but they're fairly subdued in favor of making them the vehicle for the player. I think the game would have been better if it wasn't like that but I guess that's just not what the game is going for.

The visuals are a mixed bag. Its very stylized, especially the UI but the very flat lighting hurts it overall. When the lighting does work it looks good but that sadly isn't often.

The soundtrack's good. Not the sort of thing I tend to listen to usually but good. Especially the tracks towards the end of the game. The one track I disliked was the default dorm theme. Its 'fine' but after having to listen to it for so long I've ended up disliking it.

The gameplay feels like a good combat system that is purposefully hamstrung? weaknesses, buffs and debuffs. It has the three basics that can make up a good turn based system while also giving some extra options to the player like theurgys but you really just do so much damage that you just steamroll through everything.

I wasn't even looking up shit or planning ahead and I got the final boss first try, making them change their Arcana nearly every turn(only twice that it took me two turns to get them to change their Arcana).

One of the games of all time. The music goes hard tho

I am so deeply conflicted about this game. I want to love this game. It has the potential to be much better than vermintide 2 which has become one of my favorite games of all time but it just has some very shoddy design choices that bring it down.

The core gameplay goes hard and feels like mostly an improvement over vermintide 2. weapons feel better to use, they have more of an impact, ranged weapons are more fun and weapons have more varied movesets. Combine that with the music and that makes the game feel perfect in some moments.
I like the map layouts. They've def gotten better at that with time.
They also captured the atmosphere of 40k perfectly through the environments, dialogue and music.The class system is good tho rn I haven't messed around too much with it.

The mission board is not good design. Instead of a clear cohesive campaign or even just being able to select any mission after unlocking them you just depend on RNG. My early game experience was repeating one or two missions because that is all people in quickplay were doing.

Grims and Scriptures being randomized is a very bizarre move. Was this some misguided attempt to dissuade grinding or something? because it just dissuades people from going for grims and tomes in general.

Toughness is likely the second worst thing about Darktide for me. Its the opposite of THP in vermintide 2 and ends up rewarding playing safe instead of aggressive and the punishment for losing teammates is much harsher than in vermintide 2.

The worst thing tho is the progression system. Getting weapons is somehow more randomized than vermintide 2.

In v2 you get one chest every mission with the item rarities depending on factors you have a direct control over and each chest had three random items. You would likely not get exactly what you want but you could just scrap it and craft the weapon you wanted easily.

Here there's like two currencies for a randomized shop with very stupid requirements for upgrading them based on more resources that you get in missions. One of the currencies you use to get weapons is the same currency for the non-premium cosmetics. The last one feels extremely stupid.

I'll come back to this game after an year or so. Maybe it won't be a game held back by stupid progression paths then

I can see why people like it but the controls are just very frustrating. especially the camera controls. I understand that its a product of its time but it doesn't change how irritating it felt when playing

I've never played a mech game before or even watched mech anime so I was expecting nothing from this game. It managed to surprise me and end up as my favorite fromsoft game.

The combat is extremely fast paced yet still challenging. It can be wildly unbalanced at times but its still very fun.

The music could have been better but it fits and there are still a few tracks that stand out. The art direction and visual spectacle is something else entirely. It manages to convey a sense of scale that I've never seen in any other game so far.

The characters, despite never appearing outside their mechs, are still very well written and entertaining. The story is also well done.

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I was not expecting Dread to be this good since I'd not liked Super Metroid at all. Dread is a near perfect experience in every way. I liked the map design. It felt very smooth and well paced for the most part.

The abilities are well integrated and the game doesn't fall into the common metroidvania trap of having lots of 'abilities' which only work as keys. I didn't expect the bright yellow explosion to be useful during the last boss fight for example.

Combat and movement itself is very smooth and fast paced which is aided by a lot of smooth and unique animations. The counter is probably my favorite thing about the combat.

The game looks very good too. Needs some anti-aliasing and higher res textures but I am playing on a bigger screen in manner that wasn't intended so its fine. After Bloodstained Ritual of the Night's disastrous visuals I was not too keen on another 2.5D metroidvania but you can't even compare Dread to Bloodstained..

Blasphemous II takes what made Blasphemous I good and improves upon it in every single way possible. I enjoyed Blasphemous I but it had some issues. The start was a bit slow and the platforming was more than a bit janky.

Blasphemous II has a much better start and the platforming is actually smooth and fun. Bosses are also improved and there is more variety in how you can approach fights with two kinds of prayers and wood carvings alongside the existing rosary beads.

The game also gives three weapons with only one, of the players choice, being available at the start. Not only does this give more options but it also changes how the early game works depending on which weapon you pick. Each of the weapons is fun and has its particular advantages.

The art direction and music continue to impress and the world is very well designed. It also manages to fix some of ambiguity that was there in Blasphemous I by communicating more clearly what the player is supposed to be doing.

This has become one of my favorite metroidvanias of all time.

This was such a disappointment. I enjoyed Dragon Age Origins a lot but this game is just subpar in almost every way.

I'll talk about what I liked first. The very core combat itself is good. Its more flashier and faster than Origins combat which was appreciated. The soundtrack is also pretty good. I liked the 2D art used for the cutscenes. Varric is very entertaining. I do like the idea of having a fantasy game which is mostly set in one town

My praise will have to end here tho. The game is exceptionally and blatantly repetitive in area design. There are so many main quests where the area is just a copy paste that I was actually impressed that someone okayed this.

While the core combat itself is good its brought down by some very stupid design choices. The game just throws loads of enemies at the player with no attempts at making it feel realistic at all. Enemies will just teleport in out of nowhere rendering positioning just useless.

Controlling the party during combat feels much worse. The gameplay is still very similar to the real time with pause system of Origins but it seems that the devs wanted to make it look different. While you can pause and control other characters the game just does not let the player pick an isometric perspective which is just baffling.

In terms of story and choices its pretty much a fake RPG. I despise RPGs where the game gives some dialogue choices themed around some rigid morality categories and then the character says something else entirely. I hated it in Mass Effect and I hate it here.
There are also no real choices at all. Events will happen regardless of what you choose. There is no real branching of events.

ran like absolute shit even tho the base game ran just fine

This DLC exists? The story is very basic from what I can remember

Probably Obsidian's worst game. At least out of the ones I've played. It has only one message which it used to bludgeon the player with the subtlety of a thrown brick. Its not even a message I really disagree with but I'd have liked something more

Pretty much everything in the game from combat, locations, lore, factions, characters feels very barebones compared to their other games

I don't think I have much to say about Hollow Knight. It's an amazing metroidvania with a seemingly simple but fun combat system, good music and a unique and well designed art style. It is def one of the best metroidvanias

Except for the white palace. Fuck that place

unplayable without mods. Boring and repetitive story, janky combat, similar locations in function, bare bones 'colony management'.

Amazing music though and looks pretty good