Banger I think, I’m not that far in tho

red girl save me….. save me red girl……. red girl……

Holy peak…..
Literally everything about this is so fucking good idk where to start.
I may suck at it but at least im having a good time!!

it had no right to go that hard I swear

it still bangs but believe it or not I don’t really want a sequel.

It’s so good…. it’s so peak……..

if you’re the guy who beat my ass with Yamcha of all characters I lowkey deserved that thank you

yusuke is so silly I fuckin love that guy

Still pretty good but most of my memories of it consist of it running like shit on my old laptop. I’ve got a new laptop now but I don’t really have much time to reinstall all of it. I’m 100% gonna come back to this at some point but not yet.

It probably goes hard but I wouldn’t know yet