Nintendo 64-ever

My first gaming system and frankly loaded with bangers despite its somewhat small library. Updating this one when I feel like it gosh darn it

Had the bad luck of being the first game on the N64 not named "Super Mario 64" but don't let that distract you from the immaculate vibes
If you don't know about Super Mario 64 then you can Super Mario 64-get about getting any bitches
It's still got that sauce, even after all these years. Also, am I the only one who really wanted to take a bite out of the Item Boxes in this game
I'd love the game anyways but that double-bladed chainsaw is really something else
Nintendo has tried like three times to rehash this game and consistently failed because it's already perfect
Yeah sure it's no Yoshi's Island but how can you say no to that face
Alright put the knife away. Just trust me. No, this game isn't especially good... But it's INTERESTING (the scoring system and some of its mechanics are genuninely novel)
Must... Resist... Making joke about it being "cool"...
"I now retire undefeated champion!" - F-Zero X
Yeah yeah it's Mickey Tetris, but have you heard the OST?
My favorite. The reason I'm even typing this shit up. I will never forget the first time I pulled that sword from that pedestal
Kind of crazy how the decision to slap some Nintendo characters into an unrelated project resulted in the nutty franchise it turned into. Also, the first game is just plain funny with friends
It's been 25 years and this is still the best Harvest Moon game they ever made. Don't @ me about it
Alright, this one just IS cool
I love beaning unsuspecting wildlife with fruit
Frankly the worst thing about this game is that there just isn't nearly enough of it
If you lament having friends in your life, do I ever have the solution for you
The worst part is you don't even know how cool this game is
Kirby 64, my sweet, my beloved
May very well be the best game on the system, but you didn't hear that from me
Flat characters but THICK in charm
The only real complaint I have about this game is that they never actually released it for the N64 here
This is where Pokémon become PokéMEN
The later versions are unquestionably better - doesn't make it any less impressive what they accomplished here


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