Didn’t like it a first but after multiple replays with friends it gets better and better for me

Everything about this game is great, it's beautiful, depressing, exciting, and it has vivi, the greatest character in all of final fantasy.

Wtf is up with the battle system, the music is good though


I got to the second level and died to someone I couldn't see and I thought that was enough.

While it's a great game, I don't like how it became the one that everyone knows since a lot of the other Final fantasy games gets fucked over by square. And idk the game is too easy

A full on masterpiece that should be played by everyone at some point. The characters, magic, and story is great, and the villain is the best in any final fantasy. Play this game.

It's never been one of my favorite final fantasys, but I think it has the best use of the job system. Also am I the only one that thinks this game is hard as shit?

If you want to start playing these games, I recommend starting with this one. Such a great game and the true first final fantasy let's be real.

A childhood favorite of mine, it's not as good as I remember but I still have fun with it.

(best Pixar movie btw)

The best Mario kart game. You can play as rob, what else is there to say.

The best of the nes games, I really like it, that's about it

A perfect example of how a dark story does not equal a good game

A decent start to the franchise, I do not recommend playing the original nes version though

Probably the most underrated game I've ever played. This has one of the best campaigns in any fps games I've played. BT is one of the best characters in any game

As a sequel, it's awful, but the game it self is pretty solid. Fucking stupid that there is no X-Men or fantastic four characters