
Man I love unreliable narrators - the VN

Seriously though, adore Higu, I might be more fond of Umi but all the characters here are great (I love them) and it's theme about being there for the people you love, sifting past miscommunication and misunderstandings, just to be there for them, regardless of anything, is honestly a really beautiful message that gets me choked up thinking about it. I definitely also want to reread it at some point too

I have too many thoughts about this game and need to sit down and write about it later, but a genuine masterpiece that captures the early internet better than any video essayist while being a great detective game in it's own right, can't wait for Dreamsettler :)

I love Niko so much I want him to be my son :>

A lot more hopeful than the first one, and has my favorite short story out of both :) "Reaper of the Thirteenth Step" is just an amazingly well written short story that I look back on fondly.

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A conversation about creating lampposts when there were none to begin with. Become one with the spiraling nonsense.

Feather-light, free, and everlasting.

A really well done wrap up and send off of the Sky series of Trails games, not much to say

This shit was fire when I was 9

I love how just unabashed this VN is, it's a trip to read, and while it wont really stick with me as much as other stuff I read, certain moments in the VN definitely will, even if at some points it's just, disturbing and bizzare, in a good way.

86400 seconds, doesn't matter how many or how little, find the world where your Wonderful Everyday lies, no matter if it's better off a 'dream' or 'reality', we cannot know what is which until we wake up, ''Live Happily!''

The first zone is sadly the best zone, with the rest leaning from ok :) to meh, to ''I want to fucking die'', you can really tell that Sonic was an experiment with this first game, with the games concept not being realized until it's sequel. Still a classic, but man if the rest of the game was like the first zone..

Look I adore WTC, Higurashi is a classic, Umineko is peak fiction, where the fuck is Cioncia Phase 2, etc

But god the charm of this VN wins me over bad, all of the characters are fun or interesting in their own little ways, the alt history bent of the story is fascinating, with tons of twists and turns, and a weird clicking mini-game to emulate fighting to boot. I felt the ending should have been a little stronger? though it does wrap itself up nicely at least if not tragically. I might edit this review later as it's been literal years since I read it, but I remember it being a really good time.

Perfect comfy podcast/streamer game with Kojumbo Wackiness, wish there was no combat sections, the game should have played to it's strengths of it being a delivery/logistics management game with pseudo-online connections with others in the form of structures that benefits eachother while hiking across the disconnected USA instead, otherwise it's a really good game for the right kind of person.

I have yet to beat it though and just got the Director's Cut ver. had 50 hours in the first ver of the game. Will update (maybe)

Wasted 100+ hours of my life and probably going to a little more just to 100% this game eventually. and it was completely worth it just so I can see Siffrin and his friends move on together. Light Spoilers Ahead.

This is one of the best RPGMaker games I have ever played next to the Hello Charlotte series and dare I say the one with the funny dog. This grabbed me the moment I saw a scrimblo lil guy with a wizard hat and sold me the more I kept playing, I have never played a rpgmaker game with such tight writing and characterization before, just seeing Siffrins slowly going desperate and insane in all the big and small ways the game presents to you was a treat to behold and I just wanna hold and protect the little guy. also this is just Higurashi minus the bloodshed I'm just saying, but in a good way.

You eventually just start feeling like him too, going through the motions, seeing the same dialogue, afraid you'll miss something even though you know it's always the same, the actors playing their roles... especially if you're achievement hunting. The game >can< get repetitive, yes, but I believe that's the point, and the game always lets you know what you have to do through your friendly neighborhood Loop.

It's hard of me to choose a favorite, mostly bc they're all great, but it's between Isabelle and Odile, Odile's design and just her personality in general is peak hag and I really really really like her :) while Isa is a lovable himbo and I just, that one scene where he's in bed does something to be man I wanna be bearhugged by him and have a friend like him that's all I love the refrigerator :> I am totally normal about him as much as he's normal about Siffrin. Cute Himbo aside,

If any of you related to Siffrin, even as much as I did, please, talk to someone, talk to people about your problems. I know it's hard, it's scary, and you don't want to get hurt. I understand. Wouldn't it be nice to go back in time? Wouldn't it be nice to freeze everything just so you could breathe? There are many times in my life where, I just wanted everything to stop. But everything has to change, move on, grow, live, keeping that all inside of you, to fester, to brood, to rot, it never ends well, and you might do something you'll regret. Whatever problems you are facing, you are never alone.

I loved this game, and I can't wait to see what the dev does next.

I supported this game on patreon for awhile :) I'm DonoKuno in the credits! (Weenie Customer: DonoKuno).

My GOTY, the artstyle & animations are full of character and charm, the OST is just banger after banger, gameplay is extremely tight, and I can't wait to see people speedrun/P Rank it. Loved seeing this game change over the years, and I cannot stress enough that if you ever liked a classic Sonic game, or really love games that rank you with a high skill ceiling, that you NEED to pick this game up.