I want to fucking love this game, not because I necessarily love the old timey theme, I kind of think it’s over played and just not my thing but there’s just so much fucking heart in every bit of this. I love the art style, I love how everything feels like a play, how characters will get pulled off screen with canes, the constant scene changes, the pretty funny dialogue, how the crowd reacts to everything, and the design of the enemy’s and your characters. But the games just not there. It’s a 2d side scrolling beat em up and it just becomes a button masher too fast into the game. It has some depth with parrying and combos but when I play a single act for 10-20 minutes and then they have these specific challenges that require you to replay through really really repetitive levels the drive isn’t there and the only thing I’m playing for is too see more of the art and when the game isn’t that fun the whole time I can’t see myself playing over 20 levels multiple times and on the increased difficulty. If this gameplay works for you, this may be one of your favorite beat em ups but if not it’s just kind of sad that with so much promise that hook isn’t there.

This is not only the first God Of War game I've ever played, it's also the first of this type of this 3d brawler I have ever played. And its the bar is set pretty fucking high as I dive into this genre.

I never got to play it on the PS3 so I was skeptical going into it expecting the standard "remaster" upgrade of a last-generation game, seeing how beautiful this entire game is blew my mind. Every level of this game was so memorable and made you really get to know each of the pieces of map they lay out these set pieces in.

The game play is fast and the weapons they roll out for you throughout the game reward different styles of play and the patterns of the enemies always kept me aware, and I didn't fall into the mindlessness of something like a Shadows of War falls into and why I really tend to avoid brawlers. I played though on Hard and some of the end game bosses took me 3-4 hours to complete making me try different strategies just to figure out how to win then I had to master dodges, parrying, and combos.

While I haven't played the earlier entries this story as a stand alone experience was trash, I get it was a standard revenge story but Kratos sucks and somehow everyone around him manages to suck more. Zeus is the most boring end boss of all time and the only drive of the game was the challenge to win, but it seriously dragged in the third half and I constantly felt like walls where being put up in front of me to stop me from reaching the end. Also the flying sections were some of the most miserable sequences of any game ever.

Despite that, I can't wait to check out the first two games and everything this genre has to hold. This is seriously one of the most fun games I've ever played is a must play on the PS4.

A fun little platformer with eggplants

The foundation fighting games were built on still has a lot to offer in terms of charm, I love how these characters behave, I love how fucking satisfying the punch sound is when you punch a guy in the nuts or roundhouse kick his head off or just knock him out cold. I love how the characters look after being hit and the goofy ref in the back.

Also the fighting has some depth and tactics involved, but it's insane how ahead of it's time it was.

I feel like this game being the first real beat em up seriously took risks and paved the way for the future of the genre. I like the sprite work a lot the detail of the main character with the shadow work is great same with the building outside. In terms of gameplay its brutal but its timing based. Do you need to be facing left or right? Do you have to jump or duck? Do you have time to land a hit? Much like Karate champ this had alot of some insanely solid mechanics that where used for years.

Also Can you kick 4 people off the map at the same time?

Hell yeah you can and it feels GREAT

This game is remembered fondly but this is seriously as boring as early nes games get. It’s to Super Mario Bros what Street Fighter 1 is to Street Fighter 2 aka shit into absolute classics.

I've tried beating Metal Gear Solid since I was 9, I would play the first hour or so of this game non stop as a kid until I got to Revolver Ocelot and then I would quit and start a new game and just play the beginning. Now I'm 24 and I finally decided its time to beat it and I did and holy shit is it just as amazing now as it ever was. I love every single aspect of this game, the characters are all so interesting and they mesh PERFECTLY with the intricate government conspiracy plot. It's just the most fun spy epic out there with an amazing variety of boss fights that all play out differently.

Call me crazy but this is a perfect game...

Now I know this is going to be a weird review but hear me out. When the pandemic first happened I decided I wanted to play through the entire Metroid franchise, so I started with Metroid Zero Mission and thought it was an excellent game and was really excited to get into Samus Returns as it's a remake of Metroid 2 and I fucking hated it. I thought the parrying mechanic sucked that the shooting felt worse basically a huge downgrade. I put it down after 2ish hours and didn't think about it until I found my 3DS while moving and decided to give it another shot and I don't get how my mind changed in every respect.

I won't drone on about it but the Parrying mechanic MAKES this game. While yes the map is incredibly well designed and exploring all 8? areas was fun and never felt stale the reason that was is that the fighting was constantly engaging I always was on my feet and made even the most inconsequential enemy fun to fight. And thats before I even bring up the boss (metroid) fights. Theres around 50 of them and the pattern recognition and the constant ramping up of the difficulkty made me constantly anticipate the next fight. Even by the end I was hoping for more and the final fight took everything that you learned and made you earn your completion. I ended up 100%ing the game (which I have rarely ever do) because I was obsessed with finding everything and not once did I feel like it was a slog and honestly it ended exactly where I wanted it to.

I know that AM2R gets all the love but Nintendo seriously outdid themselfs with this, it's truely an incredible sequel to zero missions and completely takes over as the definitive way to experience the second chapter of the Metroid series.

I tried playing Metroid on the NES at least 55 times growing up, I bought it digitally at least 4 times and never got too far. So I never touched another Metroid game, I missed out. I understand people think that this is an incredibly casualized remake of the original but it's 2020 I'm not busting out graph paper to beat a video game. I feel that all the changes make this a much more enjoyable game overall.

As someone who never actually beat Metroid, the most underwhelming part is the boss fights but exploring the world and unlocking new abilities made the experience. The biggest problem is the pixel hunting when it comes to certain areas where there are no broken bricks so having to spend a few minutes laying bombs hoping to find where to go breaks the flow of gameplay.

But HOLY SHIT that Zero suit mission is incredible. Never did I think that a GBA game would make me that anxious, it really made this game something special. A stealth mission out of nowhere, where there is a really tense situation made it a really amazing 30 minutes In an overall great experience. But in terms of a prequel, this made me so excited to play one of the many versions of Metroid 2 and hopefully Super Metroid. This remake made me a fan of the series already.

I had no idea what I was getting into when I booted up this game. I didn't even see that it was a remaster of a 1991 dos game, but what I experienced blew me away.

This is one of the best adventure games I ever played despite all the nonsense they put you through, but I think that's why it's so incredible.

This won't be everyones cup of tea but the brutal difficulty of some of these puzzles and sequences had me almost cracking my dualshock in half. This game is so unforgiving that a barley 30 minute long game took me almost 2 full days to complete.

They tell a incredible story using no words just actions, the gameplay is so simple and so frustrating but the amount they push the jumping and shooting and force you to try so many different combinations, I just have every screen ingrained into my brain.

I really love this game.

Remember portal?

Okay Imagine that but instead of a cool mechanic you just push blocks out of the floor and there's no humor and the atmosphere is the same as portal but worse.

BUT, the puzzle mechanic is interesting and it kept me going until the end and didn't overstay its welcome so its an Okay puzzle game.

Fuck this game... in the absolute best way possible.

While many see Sekiro as a huge departure from the souls series it almost feels like the next logical interaction from it.

When I recently completed Dark Souls 3 I didn't think that a Souls game could be more polished and it's like they took that as a challenge and made it feel and look better in every possible way.

Maybe it's because all my favorite bosses in every souls game were the one on one duels that this game feels so tailor-made for me, but every boss and mini-boss felt like a challenge that constantly made me a better player.

This has the same trappings of a puzzle or rhythm game where timing is everything and there really is no way to cheese an enemy and it isn't until you understand their pattern that you learn the exact moments you can attack.

Initially, I fucking hated the posture system I thought it went against everything I've learned from previous games in the series but by a few hours in there was nothing more satisfying than knowing how to break an enemy posture and finishing him off.

Also, this may be the nest boss design in any of the fromsoft games. They really know how to get you addicted to trying to beat a boss and using no real setpieces just ingenious design.

There is not a moment where you are not in complete control and you always feel that when you fuck up, you didn't deserve to beat the boss more so than any other souls game nothing feels cheap, no clipping through walls, incredibly tight hitboxes.

After finishing souls and it felt like a book closing, this felt like a new book opening and I couldn't be more excited about what they are going to do with Elden Ring..

I fucking hated this game when I started it, I thought I had it all figured out from the beginning and almost disliked it for that reason.

From the moment it started I didn't care at all about the main character or his mission to bring his companion back to life. The only thing I cared about was the horse. So I didn't feel the drive to go hunt these creatures, but I did. Then I hated it more when I had to kill these huge majestic creatures. I loved them, maybe I'm a pussy or maybe I just watched too much iron giant as a kid but every single colossus I felt fucking terrible when the colossus was trying to shake me off or when they were in pain. I felt it and I resented the main character for that reason. And I would beat 2 maybe 3 colossi a day and need to put it down because I felt bad. I thought it was that I didn't like the game but it wasn't that, I felt bad.

For a short game it took me about a week to finish due to this but I think I made the right decision by taking my time because it kept calling to me every day to just take down a couple more. And I would but that pain never went away, I felt like a hitman doing a dirty job. While I loved the puzzle that was put in front of me and the satisfaction of completing it, it was immediately followed by guilt, I knew what I was doing was wrong.

I didn't like traversing the world I felt like it was a waste of time and that it wasn't special until I caught myself taking longer routes just to take in the beauty of the world, I would just stand in a new area and be blown away, which is why I said this needs to be played on PS4 and even more so in HDR on a pro. Holy shit, this is the only game I've truly felt immersed in the world, I felt like I was there physically and that I felt like I was on this journey.

By around the 10th colossus, I caught the bug and needed to see where the story was taking me. I knew that I needed to see it through so I plowed through the last 6 in one sitting.

I don't want to discuss the ending because not only do I think me talking about it won't add anything to it, I think it needs to be experienced by everyone.

The emotions that I felt in that last hour are something a video game has never made me felt.

I could nitpick that there are times that I felt I was fighting the controls it all real and it felt right.

I went from wanting to trash this game to telling everyone I know they had to experience it. This is a masterwork from top to bottom and a true piece of art.

My original review was rused garbage and I didn't get to explain what I loved about his game and after playing Silent Hill 2 it's important to make the distinction.

This is the definition of a charmingly terrifying game.

The acting is terrible but it adds some comedy to an already interesting story of Harry searching for his daughter. It's simple but enough to keep you going and every little nugget of information you learn about the town makes you so much more interested to keep going because you don't know what could happen to her. I stand by the fact that both the Hospital and School are the greatest locations in any game, they are so well designed and the puzzles in both area's are truely perfect. The sewers are a mess but everything around it makes up for it.

There's so much to love about this game.