Really neat. Gameplay wasn't too deep but it was satisfying enough to carry you through. The story and world-building really shine here.

I don't particularly like 2D platformers so this is an interesting one for me. It is clearly extremely polished and plays very well. The art and music is fantastic and the writing is absolutely exceptional. Definitely almost made me cry on my flights to and from Iceland. But like, I just didn't really have fun playing it. I wish it wasn't illegal for an indie game to be something other than a 2D platformer.

Game is cute but I wish it had more going for it. It's just not very deep and makes up for it with fetch quests and copy paste dungeons. Also the story just kinda ends and nothing gets resolved. Also there's an island where the devs put themselves on it and it's meta jerkoff bullshit and I hate it. Not bad for a day playthrough though.

I was afraid this would just be CotND but with Zelda but I was pleasantly surprised this felt like its own game. A nice little Zelda-esque adventure with some CotND gameplay. Very enjoyable if short experience.

I needed a short action RPG to scratch an itch so I tried this one and man is it extremely mediocre. The story is uninteresting and very predictable, the combat is boring and repetitive, and it feels like 1/3 of an actual game. Oh yeah and all the endings are complete garbage.

I tried this one as I heard that other than the bugs it was a solid entry into the series. Well, it wasn't great. The parkour was as clunky and frustrating as ever. The story was pretty terrible and I had zero reason to care about any of the characters (they kill off the MC's dad like 10min into the game, then kill off his foster dad like 20min later, but I don't CARE about this person). The present day plot ends with literally nothing you did mattering, making the plot entirely superfluous, much like this series. Usually in open world games I shut off my brain and do all or most of the side stuff, but here I did next to none since I just cared so little about this game.

Decent sandbox game. Modding it to turn off level scaling makes it way better.

I thought I had played through this ages ago, but I hadn't. This is a weird game, but neat. The writing is interesting but due to (by their own admission) the devs' inexperience it just comes off as confusing. It's funny to see how the went from this to Even the Ocean and did a 180 and made everything as blunt as possible.

Honestly kind of disappointing. There's a lot of good comfy stuff here but there's also a pile of ugly UX issues that drag the whole experience down. Breakable tools suck, the MP experience is AWFUL, and the controls kinda suck. I wish this was better.

Played this with my partner. Ended up being a lot more cutscene and story than I expected. Gameplay sections were decently fun and the story was pretty solid. Good for a playthrough with someone.

Cute comfy game where you explore a mountain. Exploration and collecting feathers felt good. Writing was pretty good. Solid short experience for a low price.

Decent SotN ripoff, I wish it did more with the time stuff instead of just kinda forgetting about it and doing the standard metroidvania upgrades.

Much like its predecessor, this is pretty mediocre. The combat is very fun but everything else in the game (open world stuff and story especially) is very boring. I wish they had gone more linear like Rage 1, it would've been greatly appreciated with the improved gunplay and abilities.

I started out not really feeling this, but ended up getting more into it by the end. This game feels more Hollow Knight inspired than Ori 1, and that suits me better because I like that game more. Overall a better game than Ori 1, but I couldn't help but feel this game tried to do too much and suffered for it.