I really didn't like Tallis and how much the game hypes her up, but apart from that it's a really fun ride.

An improvement over the original in almost every way, and the original was already pretty damn good. The new combat additions make the game way easier though.

The combat and content is pretty barebones compared to the sequel but it's still good and Raidou is fucking cool

A really good sequel, the combat is completely overhauled and most of the flaws of the first game are solved while still keeping all the good.

Dungeon design took a nosedive, but the story is as strong as the first game, the Mantra system got improved and the soundtrack is arguably better.

A worthy successor, but even with the story being good a lot of the missions just aren't as memorable as most of the first game's were. Still really good though

The combat is really fun. The cutscenes are very well written with great dialogue. Those are the only two good things I have to say about this, because the story itself is a generic revenge plot and the gameplay is that of a Ubisoft-esque open world with mindless repetition and almost nothing else to do.

My first megaten, so I'm really fond of it. As expected of a PSP version, the visuals are really downgraded (the maps are CG backgrounds and FMVs are just still images now), but that's where all the negatives end. Combat is changed to be like Persona 4(controllable party members!) and it has a Female MC route for added replayability with a few different Social Links. The story and characters themselves are unchanged, which means it's still top tier shit.

An excellent FPS classic, with its only fault being one or two frustrating enemy types. Almost perfect in every other regard.

One of the best RPGs I have ever played. Even if it was plagued with big issues because of development hell, it has a fantastic story, highly varied sidequests that are very fun to do, a diverse, charming cast of characters, excellent writing and a good variety of possible character builds.

Mechanically it's smoother and the Bullet Time is absolutely insane this time around, but it feels inferior to the first game and I can't exactly explain why. Max isn't portrayed by Sam Lake anymore and that's a huge loss, plus the story relies more on regular cutscenes instead of the cool comic strips in the first game (they're still there, they just appear much less). The reason it feels inferior is probably because it lost a lot of the charm the first game had, but it's still great nonetheless.

The best SMT spinoff, with a really unique atmosphere and story. The Mantra system is a bit grindy, but since skills can be equipped/unequipped without losing them forever you have a huge variety of possible builds at any time.

Even if it's really dated by today's standards, it was revolutionary for its time. It can be fun if you're okay with old clunky stuff, but don't expect it to be very good nowadays.

San Andreas is my favorite overall, but goddamn Vice City is amazing. The soundtrack is the best in the series by far, and it captures the charm of 80's Miami really well. It's only hindered by being so short that it has a padding section where you have to grind your buisnesses to progress through the main plot near the end, and that really breaks the flow up to that point.

The peak of the GTA series. It got almost everything right, with the most amount of fun side content, the most memorable story and characters and a great soundtrack. This is the GTA that feels the most complete and it all went downhill after it.